I trying to write a program that uses a getline to read from a txt file.
I need it to read from the file until it reaches a line that has "$$$" in it.

I can get it to read in the file like this no problem.

//assuming all variables have been declared

while(inFile.peek() != '\r' && inFile.peek() != '\n')
        /* gets the next line and sets it as the bike */
		getline(inFile, line);
		buffer << line;
		buffer >> bike;

		/* gets the next line and sets it as the car */
		getline(inFile, line);
		buffer << line;
		buffer >> car;

		/* gets the first line and sets it as the jeep */
		getline(inFile, line);
		buffer << line;
		buffer >>jeep;

		if(inFile.eof()) break;


My data file looks like this:


I want it to break from the while loop when it reaches the "$$$".
I have a particular function that I will perform on the
"huffy corvette jeep" values, then I want it to stop reading the values when the "$$$" is found, so I can read in the " dog cat" in the same way, but use a different function on them.

any thought??

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

int main() {
	const std::string pattern("$$$");
	std::ifstream file("d:\\test.txt");
	if ( !file ) {
		std::cerr << "Can`t open file!" << std::endl;
		return 1;
	std::string line;
	while ( std::getline(file, line) ) {
		if ( line.empty() ) continue;
		if ( std::search(line.begin(), line.end(), pattern.begin(), pattern.end()) != line.end() ) break;
	return 0;

Thanks for the reply, but I think that wont work with the logic I am using. Maybe I am wrong.
I'm trying to use the code like this but is says it can't convert it to bool, in my error message.

Here is my modified code.

//assuming all variables have been declared

ifstream	inFile;

string pattern("$$$");
		cerr << "Can't open data file" << endl;

while(inFile.peek() != '\r' && inFile.peek() != '\n')

/* gets the next line and sets it as the bike */

getline(inFile, line);
buffer << line;
buffer >> bike;

/* gets the next line and sets it as the car */
getline(inFile, line);
buffer << line;
buffer >> car;

/* gets the first line and sets it as the jeep */
getline(inFile, line);
buffer << line;
buffer >>jeep;

if(inFile.eof()) break;

My data file looks like this:


I want it to break from the while loop when it reaches the "$$$".
I have a particular function that I will perform on the
"huffy corvette jeep" values, then I want it to stop reading the values when the "$$$" is found, so I can read in the " dog cat" in the same way, but use a different function on them.

any thought??

just do this :

string input;
	string s = "$$$";

	ifstream iFile("ReadMe.txt");

		if(input == s) break;
		else cout<<input<<endl;

Haven't tried it but that logic should work.

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