Hey guys.
I am currently trying to get to grips with C++ and I am trying to create this little program.
What I am trying to do is create a 'square' program, that prints out the entered number from the user, then prints the *'s to create a square. However, that isn't all.
The user is given options to fill in the square as well.
This is an example:
"Please enter the square’s size: 5
Please enter its type
1: clear
2: filled
3: horizontal lines
4: vertical lines
* * * * *
* *
* *
* *
* * * * *
((It is suppose to be a square -____-'))
Draw another square?
1: Yes
0: No"
And so on.
The user is allowed to carry on or not.
I am struggling as to how I could complete this program.
Has anyone ever done a program like this?
I understand this is a large program, but if anyone could help, that would be great =]
Thanks in advance.