why when I run it ....the output of the "if" statements doesn't come up ...Im trying to see if theres any erros but I just cant find anything please any help I would appreciated

include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()

char size;
cout<<"******************Welcome to M&D Pizza House*****************\n";
cout<<" What size pizza do you want ? (s = small; m = medium; l = large): ";

if(size == 's' && size == 'S')

cout<<" Size:	Small";

else if (size == 'm' && size == 'M')
cout<<" Size:	Medium";

else if(size == 'l' && size == 'L')
cout<<" Size:	Large";

return 0;

Change the && to ||

Just backing up what firstPerson said. && should be ||


Use "or" not "and" in if statement

if(size == 's' || size == 'S')
if(size == 's' || size == 'S')
	cout<<" Size:	Small";

else if (size == 'm' || size == 'M')
	cout<<" Size:	Medium";

else if(size == 'l' || size == 'L')
	cout<<" Size:	Large";
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