I have a limit of 30-45 dollars to buy an editor (with Python support, obviously) . Here's what I would like. Customizable syntax highlighting (like the kind in Notepad++). Auto indent, so it autmatically indents 4 spaces after a ':' character. Good code completetion. A built in IDE. Preferably like IDLE. I don't know what I should get. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for leegeorg07

I use Aptana, its a free web dev tool but you can install a python plugin

The only one that comes to mind is the Wing IDE from:

There might be a trial version you can test drive.

I tried wing IDE personally, i got the personal version. Though i do not use it any more, it actually wasn't nearly as good as it looked like it would be.
Now i just use Netbeans with a python plugin, it works a charm :)

I found the editor Sublime Text. It's amazing! I might consider buying it after 30 days. It's 60 dollars but it would definitely be worth it. I used to use Netbeans, which was very nice. But this looks so much better, it's so much simpler. It's code completion isn't really good. But it's simplicity and look takes that out of perspective. If you do try it out I suggest using the COBALT color scheme. Looks very nice.

I tried Netbeans and found it very awkward, especially for Python code. I have Windows and mostly use PyScripter. I can run code initially from memory and don't have to make a project out of it.

If it interests you, I think that the code for Python's IDLE is available in the Python library. If it is, you can edit it to your liking.

I'm not very experienced in Tkinter. But thanks for the suggestion anyway.

I tried Netbeans and found it very awkward, especially for Python code. I have Windows and mostly use PyScripter. I can run code initially from memory and don't have to make a project out of it.

That's because it doesn't let you make normal files :/. Other then that it rocked! But again, right now I'm trying the 30 day trial of sublime text, it's totally awesome! It supports all the major languages and little ones. I highly recommend some of you try it.

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Hey, if you do buy the license, would you mind dropping me the serial, seeing as it gives you unlimited users. Thanks if you do, no worries if you don't :)

Yeah, IDEs like notepad++ lack the auto-indent feature. I'm also looking for an IDE but unfortunately I'm kind of broke..so I guess IDLE works for me for now.

Try pyscripter has a lot off useful feature and off course auto-indent.

Yeah, i googled that when I saw the post earlier, and..IDK, i don't like it much..:/

I like sublime text alot though o.o

I have a limit of 30-45 dollars to buy an editor (with Python support, obviously) . Here's what I would like. Customizable syntax highlighting (like the kind in Notepad++). Auto indent, so it autmatically indents 4 spaces after a ':' character. Good code completetion. A built in IDE. Preferably like IDLE. I don't know what I should get. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Try Eclipse from Galileo there you can pull in pydev and write Python programs.

I couldn't get it to work :/. I am starting to learn the D (programming language) right now, and I found an awesome IDE for that, SkyIDE. So right now if I need a Python IDE I will stick with Sublime text.

Hey, if you do buy the license, would you mind dropping me the serial, seeing as it gives you unlimited users. Thanks if you do, no worries if you don't

That would be unethical :/. It allows you to use it as many times as you want but it says to use it for only 1 person.

Yeah, sublime text is perfect except for 2 features.

1. It doesn't run your program at all like IDLE does.
2. It doesn't give you a menu list of things you can fill in for like for modules.

May be you need to go back to yur wing and update it. It is being updated and tweaked and now it is better! I have it and is the default IDE for my project. I really recommend it. It is worth a price.

I'm thinking of getting pro version in future ;)

What really annoys me is how some IDEs have really bad color syntax highlighting. I just can't stand it. I also hate the really old and gray look.

What really annoys me is how some IDEs have really bad color syntax highlighting. I just can't stand it. I also hate the really old and gray look.

Not with the improved Wing IDE. It is best in syntax highlighting and code completion without forgetting debugger. It have many themes If you don't like windows/Linux's default

Don't take me at my word. Just download trial version and test Yourself. I use Personal Ed.

I discovered this new editor geany. It could be worth trying.

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