I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but would like to ask if someone could set me on the right path. We have to write a program that requests the hours worked in a week, and a pay-rate, and then prints the gross earnings, taxes and the net pay.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std ;
void display_menu(int &UserChoice) ;
float get_pay_rate(int Choice) ;
float get_hours(void) ;
float get_gross(float hours, float rate) ;
float get_taxes(float gross) ;
int main( )
int Choice ;
float gross, hours, rate, taxes, net ;
display_menu(Choice) ;
get_pay_rate(Choice) ;
} while (Choice != 0) ;
cout << "End" << endl ;
rate = get_pay_rate(Choice) ;
hours = get_hours() ;
gross = get_gross(hours, rate) ;
taxes = get_taxes(gross) ;
cout << "Earnings \t Hours \t Rate" << endl ;
cout << gross << "\t" << hours << "\t" << rate << endl ;
cout << taxes << endl ;
cout << net << endl ;
return 0 ;
void display_menu(int &UserChoice)
// Display the menu
cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl ;
cout << "Enter the number for the desired pay rate, or action: " << endl ;
cout << " 1. $ 8.75/hr" << endl ;
cout << " 2. $ 9.33/hr" << endl ;
cout << " 3. $10.00/hr" << endl ;
cout << " 4. $11.20/hr" << endl ;
cout << " 5. Quit" << endl ;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << endl ;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> UserChoice ;
while ( ! (0 <= UserChoice && UserChoice <= 5 ))
cout << "Invalid choice - Choices are: 1 to 5 " ;
cout << "\n\n";
float get_pay_rate(int Choice)
double rate ;
switch (Choice)
case 1:
rate = 8.75 ;
break ;
case 2:
rate = 9.33 ;
break ;
case 3:
rate = 10.00 ;
break ;
case 4:
rate = 11.20 ;
break ;
case 5:
break ;
cout << endl ;
float get_hours(void)
int hours ;
cout << "Enter hours for pay period: " << endl ;
cin >> hours ;
while ( ! (0.0 <= hours && hours <= 80.0) )
cout << "Check hours for valid entry" << endl ;
float get_gross(float hours, float rate)
float gross ;
gross = hours * rate ;
float get_taxes(float gross)
double taxHeld, taxes ;
double net ;
if (gross < 300.00)
taxes = gross * .15 ;
if (gross >= 300.00 && gross < 450.00)
taxes = gross * .20 ;
if (gross >= 450.00)
taxes = .25 ;
taxHeld = gross*(taxes /100);
net = gross - taxHeld;
The error(s) I'm receiving are get_hours, get_gross, etc. must return a value. Thank you!