Hi i am doing a program that has to add up the percentage for example if i get one question wrong it adds to the percentage and after i answer 20 questions i would get the final mark but i dont get why it doesnt work.
void multiplier(int difficulty)// function to multiply values
int answer = 0;
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int rightanswer = 0;
int total = 0;
srand (time(0));
for (int counter = 0; counter < 20; counter++)
if (difficulty == 1)
num1 = 1+rand()%9;
num2 = 1+rand()%9;
else if (difficulty == 2)
num1 = 1+rand()%99;
num2 = 1+rand()%99;
rightanswer = num1 * num2;
while(answer != rightanswer)
cout << "What is " << num1 << " * " << num2 <<"?"<< endl;
cin >> answer;
cout <<endl;
if (answer == rightanswer)
cout <<endl;
total += answer;// add the answer to total value
}// end while
}//end for
void evaluate(int total)
int percent;
percent = total / 20 * 100;
cout << "Percentage is " << percent << "%"<< endl;
if (percent < 75)// if the percentage is less than 75
cout << "Please ask instructor for extra help" << endl;
else // if greater than 75
cout << "Well done! " << endl;