
I am using the OR operator in my while loop and its not very responsive:

while (transaction != 'Q' || transaction != 'q' ){}

The user previously entered a character for the variable transaction, however when the user enters 'Q' or 'q', the while loop is not skipped. Can anyone give me some insight?


the letter cannot be both Q and q, so one or the other conditions must be true, so their OR is always true.

use this

while((transaction != "Q") && (transaction != "q")){

or this


they both do the same thing:
they exit the loop when transaction changes to Q or q

Cheers guys for the Help.

ZackZak, i implemented your first solution, works perfectly, thank you.

Jamescherrill, thanks for the input, i guess i need to pay more attention to my algorithm design instead of jumping into the coding process.

Thanks again!

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