I new to the C# world. I'm currently taking a class and am having trouble with the following program.

"Write a program for an automated teller machine that dispenses money. The user should enter the amount desired (a multiple of 10 dollars) and the machine dispenses this amount using the least number of bills. The bills dispensed are 50s, 20s, and 10s. Write a function that determines how many of each kind of bill to dispense."

I think I have the first part figured out where the user enters the amount desired but I don't understand how to write the function that determines how many of each kind of bill to dispense.

Can anyone help me with this?


Hi dennis! Welcome at Daniweb!

You could write a method (C# does not use the word function) with a parameter that inputs the total amount and that returns a struct like this

struct MyStruct
        int AmountOf50s;
        int AmountOf20s;
        int AmountOf10s;

Succes! And show us what you came up with.

Also keep modulus division in mind so you can calculate the quantity of each denomination of money. Danny already gave you the struct data type for storing the denominations calculated

Hi dennis! Welcome at Daniweb!

You could write a method (C# does not use the word function) with a parameter that inputs the total amount and that returns a struct like this

struct MyStruct
        int AmountOf50s;
        int AmountOf20s;
        int AmountOf10s;

Succes! And show us what you came up with.

Thanks for the reply....unfortunately the portion of the class that we are in hasn't covered struct.

I looking more for how to take the input from the user ie $230 and have the program output 4-50s, 2-20s, and 1-10.

This is what I have so far

get_amount (void)
          int amount, num
          printf ("Enter amount in multiples of 10. \n >");
          if (amt = % 10 = 0)
                    printf ("The amount you wish to withdraw is $%.2f.\n");
                    printf ("The amount entered is not a multiple of 10.\n");
         return (amt)

get_bills (void)
          printf (" Please wait while your transaction is being\n);
          printf (" processed.\n");

This is where I am stuck.

Do you have a C class or a C# class?
If you are studying C you are in the wrong forum. Although C and C# have some similarities, they are quite different languages.
Before some moderator moves this thread(if in fact you are not in C#)
Your get_amount function does input an amount. Use the scanf, I think it is called.

That looks very much like C rather than C#.

I think if (amt = % 10 = 0) should read if( (amt % 10) == 0) it looks to me like you are assigning the modulo value to amt though I am unsure if this is your intention.

The maths you need are quite simple, first calculate the number of 50s you need and take away the value of those and do the same for 20s and then 10s.

Example for 50s:

if(amt >= 50)
    fiftys = (amt - (amt % 50))/50;
    amt -= 50 * fiftys;

In C# dividing two integers is an integer divide, so 230/50 would give 4.
The calculation could thus be simplified. I think in C it is the same, but I'm not sure anymore. In the case it is not, then your approach is the way to go.

<Dusts off a dog eared copy of Kerninghan & Ritchie>
In C '%' is illeagal with floats and '/' with integers truncates any fractional part.

So you are absolutely correct! Maybe I should have applied a little more thought to it.

Here is a simple method that I knocked up that might help you

private void Dispense(string inputAmount)
            int fifty_ammount = 0;
            int twenty_ammount = 0;
            int ten_ammount = 0;
            int five_ammount = 0;

            double total = Convert.ToDouble(inputAmount);

            while ((total - 50) >= 0)
                fifty_ammount += 1;
                total -= 50;
            while ((total - 20) >= 0)
                twenty_ammount += 1;
                total -= 20;
            while ((total - 10) >= 0)
                ten_ammount += 1;
                total -= 10;
            while ((total - 5) >= 0)
                five_ammount += 1;
                total -= 5;

            //print out the amounts

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