I'm finishing up my simple shift cipher which takes a .txt file line by line and converts each character of the line to its decimal value and then adds an integer value (shift value) to that decimal value.
The decryption procedure works the same way except that instead of adding an integer value to each decimal value, the integer value is subtracted and herein lies the problem, which will be illustrated below.
The plain.txt file:
Unflinching on a critical first test, Senate Democrats closed ranks Thursday behind $460 billion in politically risky Medicare cuts at the heart of health care legislation, thwarting a Republican attempt to doom President Barack Obama's sweeping overhaul.
The bid by the bill's critics to reverse cuts to the popular Medicare program failed on a vote of 58-42, drawing the support of two Democratic defectors. Approval would have stripped out money needed to pay for expanding coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans.
The broader legislation aims to extend health coverage to 31 million who now lack it, while barring insurance industry practices such as denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. Though the overhaul is estimated to cost about $1 trillion over a decade, the Congressional Budget Office has said it would cut federal deficits by $130 billion over that period, and probably reduce them further in the 10 years beyond that.
The cipher.txt file:
Ž§Ÿ¥¢§œ¡¢§ Y¨§YšYœ«¢¢œš¥YŸ¢«¬Yž¬eYŒž§šžY}ž¦¨œ«š¬Yœ¥¨¬žY«š§¤¬Y¡®«¬š²Y›ž¡¢§Y]moiY›¢¥¥¢¨§Y¢§Y©¨¥¢¢œš¥¥²Y«¢¬¤²Y†ž¢œš«žYœ®¬YšY¡žY¡žš«Y¨ŸY¡žš¥¡Yœš«žY¥ž ¢¬¥š¢¨§eY¡°š«¢§ YšY‹ž©®›¥¢œš§Yšž¦©Y¨Y¨¨¦Y‰«ž¬¢ž§Y{š«šœ¤Yˆ›š¦š`¬Y¬°žž©¢§ Y¨¯ž«¡š®¥g9
¡žY›¢Y›²Y¡žY›¢¥¥`¬Yœ«¢¢œ¬Y¨Y«ž¯ž«¬žYœ®¬Y¨Y¡žY©¨©®¥š«Y†ž¢œš«žY©«¨ «š¦YŸš¢¥žY¨§YšY¯¨žY¨ŸYnqfmkeY«š°¢§ Y¡žY¬®©©¨«Y¨ŸY°¨Y}ž¦¨œ«š¢œYžŸžœ¨«¬gYz©©«¨¯š¥Y°¨®¥Y¡š¯žY¬«¢©©žY¨®Y¦¨§ž²Y§žžžY¨Y©š²YŸ¨«Yž±©š§¢§ Yœ¨¯ž«š žY¨Yž§¬Y¨ŸY¦¢¥¥¢¨§¬Y¨ŸY®§¢§¬®«žYz¦ž«¢œš§¬g9
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The decrypted cipher.txt file:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
bool repeat = true;
cout << "Press \"e\" to encrypt and \"d\" to decrypt a .txt file";
char mode = getch();
switch (mode){
case 'e':{
cout << '\n' << '\n' << "ENCRYPTION MODE" << '\n' << '\n';
cout << "Input Path: ";
string inputPath = "";
getline(cin, inputPath);
ifstream plainText(inputPath.c_str());
cout << '\n';
cout << "Output Path: ";
string outputPath= "";
getline(cin, outputPath);
ofstream cipherText(outputPath.c_str());
cout << '\n';
cout << "Shift Value = ";
int shiftValue = 0;
cin >> shiftValue;
cout << '\n';
while (!plainText.eof()){
string plainLine = "";
getline(plainText, plainLine);
int lineLength = plainLine.length();
for (int i=0; i<=lineLength; i++){
int decimalValue[lineLength];
char cipherLine[lineLength];
decimalValue[i] = (int)plainLine[i] + shiftValue;
cipherLine[i] = (char)decimalValue[i];
cipherText << cipherLine[i];
cipherText << '\n';
case 'd':{
cout << '\n' << '\n' << "DECRYPTION MODE" << '\n' << '\n';
cout << "Input Path: ";
string inputPath = "";
getline(cin, inputPath);
ifstream cipherText(inputPath.c_str());
cout << '\n';
cout << "Output Path: ";
string outputPath= "";
getline(cin, outputPath);
ofstream plainText(outputPath.c_str());
cout << '\n';
cout << "Shift Value = ";
int shiftValue = 0;
cin >> shiftValue;
cout << '\n';
while (!cipherText.eof()){
string cipherLine = "";
getline(cipherText, cipherLine);
int lineLength = cipherLine.length();
for (int i=0; i<=lineLength; i++){
int decimalValue[lineLength];
char plainLine[lineLength];
decimalValue[i] = (int)cipherLine[i] - shiftValue;
plainLine[i] = (char)decimalValue[i];
plainText << plainLine[i];
plainText << '\n';
cout << "Enter \"c\" to continue and \"e\" to exit";
char keystroke = getch();
if (keystroke == 'c'){
repeat = true;
cout << '\n' << '\n';
repeat = false;