This is another question from my study guide for my final exam. If you all could please give me some help.

Write a value returning function called "found" with parameters of a float array a float item and a integer length, that searches the array for any value greater than the value of item. If such a value is found function returns true otherwise returns false. Length is the number of components in the array.

string found(float myarr[], float item, int length);
     while (int i=0; i<=(length-1);i++)
          if (myarr[i] > item)
               return "TRUE";
               return "FALSE";

You almost have it, what you need to change is :

string found(float myarr[], float item, int length);
  //need a for loop not a while
    for(int i=0; i<=(length-1);i++)
          if (myarr[i] > item)
            return "TRUE";
 //will reach here if above does not return true
  return "FALSE";


Next time, use code tags.

Thanks for the help. Is there anyway to make it into a while loop?

Thanks for the help. Is there anyway to make it into a while loop?

Sure but why ?

int cntr = 0;

while(cntr < length )
  //do code

If you know about boolean types you could consider returning a boolean variable instead of a string variable. At least that's the type I think of when I want/need to return true/false.

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