write a program that will multiply two dimentional arrays as follow:
1. The program should prompt the user for the dimention of the first array (row x coloum).
2. The program should get the values of the first array one by one. (e.g. program should display "enter value of a[1][1]= , ...etc"
3. The program should prompt the user for the dimention of the second array.
4. If the dimention of the second array is not compatible with the first array (can not multiply with), then refuse to accept the second array and ask the user again for the dimention of the second array.
5. The program should get the values of the second array one by one.
6. The program should calculate the multiplication and store the result in third matrix (array)
7. The program should print the result of the multiplication in an organized way.
Notice that this program is to be used by students taking the course MATH 111, and they do not know Cpp, hence you should ask them to enter values starting from 1 to n not from 0 to n-1 in the arrary, and you should store them in locations from 0 to n-1 in your program, but the user should not notice this.