Hello, could someone please tell me how to add buttons, list boxes, tabs, etc. to the main window that shows up with the menu when you first create a win32 windows application?

I've been searching for this on Google for about two weeks now and keep coming up dry, any help would be greatly appreciated!

- Argo.

>>I've been searching for this on Google for about two weeks now and keep coming up dry

You mean you have been googling for two weeks and never tried this? :icon_eek: Read the first link you see.

Yes i actually came across that today, but its done in C. Is there one that is done in C++?

If you want c++ then look at MFC (not free) or wxWindows or QT (both are free). MFC will require you to BUY VC++ 2008 or VC++ 2010 Standard or better editions (free Express does not support MFC). wxWindows can be used with most 32-bit compilers. QT is a compiler all its own.

I am currently using VS 2008, could you point me to a good tutorial for MFC?

I started learning MFC with the Microsoft Scribble tutorial. Like any other tutorial it only scratches the surface of MFC. It has been said there is about a year's learning curve to learn MFC well. You should also get acquanted with www.CodeProject.com because it has hundreds of free MFC stuff, including tutorials and example programs. Its one of the best (maybe the absolute best) source of MFC code on the net.

You might also want to invest a few $$$ in one or two good books -- search amazon.com for "mfc computer programming" and it will show you several good books you can buy.

Hello, could someone please tell me how to add buttons, list boxes, tabs, etc. to the main window that shows up with the menu when you first create a win32 windows application?

I've been searching for this on Google for about two weeks now and keep coming up dry, any help would be greatly appreciated!

- Argo.

Hi Argo,

Since you appear to have not worked on the topic, I'd strongly recommend that you buy a book on it instead of searching for resources online. You won't regret the investment.

For Win32, I'd suggest that you start with "Programming Windows" by Charles Petzold. And for MFC, I'd recommend "Programming Windows with MFC" by "Jeff Prosise".

Windows programming has a steep learning curve, but it surely is very interesting.

[CodeProject MVP]
[Microsoft MVP]

Rajesh just gave you excellent advice.

Yes i actually came across that today, but its done in C. Is there one that is done in C++?

You may not know this, but MFC is just an OOP wrapper on the C Win Api. No matter how much you don't want to face that, its the simple truth.

or wxWindows

Small correction: wxWidgets. That should be a lot easier to google ;)

See on Professional Win32 ng
(there are the creators of Windows (Redmond), with Windows source code (C, C++, until Vista))

commented: yada yada, totally missed the point of the OP's question. -1
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