
I wanna generate a software, which should read a C file and check for some rules.

I mean, some lines will be syntactically correct according to C compiler. But logically sm lines will be wrong.

I wanna detect such lines using this software.

Please help me how to start with....



I believe the program is called lint.

If you want to write your own, you will probably want to study yacc (Yet Another Compiler Compiler)

Wer can i know more details about that lint program ????


I cant afford to pay a price for klockworks etc. its only a small peice of code. We are a small team and we need our own customized way of detecting "WRONG WAY OF WRITING CODE"

I mean like this...

Consider the following program. i put pseudo code for simplicity

if a is greater than b print a is greater, else b is greater.

Instead this line will be effecient ...

a>b?print a, print b

So could get my point.

This software must suggest and detect the wrong / in effecient code flow.

So it would be better to write a software on my own... For which i need a help to start... please help me guys....



There are some great commercial tools like Coverity (www.coverity.com) and Klocwork (www.klocwork.com) that do logical checking for defects. Services companies like Code Integrity Solutions (http://www.codeintegritysolutions.com) can help you out.

Covertiy cost millions of dollars :D , you can try static analysis tool like C++Test .

Wer can i know more details about that lint program ????


commented: Simple and obvious really :) +17

Covertiy cost millions of dollars :D , you can try static analysis tool like C++Test .

I could not find any tool called c++ test in google.

Could you please help me about c++ test tool


Yeah thanx

commented: Ohhh, sarcasm from the noob - JFDI and stop whining -3
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