This must be an old problem whose solution must have been posted many times, but I can't figure out how to phrase it for Google.

Anyway, I have a TPanel-like component that has a TLabel-like component on it, and the TLabel thingy fills the whole client area of the TPanel (Align = alCLient). When I mouse-click the control I need for the TPanel to respond.

Of course, the TLabel-like component has it's own mouse events so why not use them? Because in a drag-drop operation the TLabel can't move, and the panel, which is what I want to drag, does not move. Also, the TLabel is a subcomponent of my TPanel-like component.

I've been trying something like:

procedure TksLabel.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if not (csSubComponent in ComponentStyle) then
    // Draw a border around the control
    if ssCtrl in Shift then BeginDrag(True);

  inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);

This should skip the part where the program draws a dashed line around the TLabel if the TLabel is a subcomponent of the TPanel, but if the TLabel itslef is on a form, I should see the outline.

But it doesn't seem to work. Or rather, only if I take out the NOT part will it draw the border. Does dropping a component on a form turn it into a subcomponent of the form?

Second part, the mouse event doesn't seem to be getting passed along to the TPanel.



And Happy new year, for those of you that Jan 1 is New Year's day.

I worked out a partial solution

I replaced this code...

procedure TksLabel.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if not (csSubcomponent in ComponentStyle) then

with this

procedure TksLabel.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if not (Self.Parent is TksPanel) then

This works better for me because as the component writer I can specify which components th TLabel would be a subcomponent of.

By, the mouse event is still not being passed along.

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