From people who know what wxWidgets is, I always here a lot of grief about how it is to simplistic, but compated to VB what do you guys think? Ive only ever worked with wxWidgets for a short period of timebut thougt it was very good. What do you guys think of the two languages? Compare.

I think VB loses this one. I also post this in the c++ thread cause everyone ive seen talk low of wxWidgets were c++ guys.

You do realize that wxWidgets is not a programming language? I've used wxWidgets in the past and found it to be an excellent GUI for C++ (once you get it installed that is).
I've also programmed a few things in VB(.NET) and I think it's easier to program a (simple) windowsapplication in VB. C++ and wxWidgets are more powerfull however and they still have my personal vote :)

commented: Excellent point about lib vs. language +18

Well I guess I should have said API lol. Also you can just download the IDE wxDev c++ and its ready to go right off the bat =P

wx 2
VB 0

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