
I'm working on this Project.

and I'm trying to use a Slide bar instead of just showing radio buttons


I'm trying to replace them with a Slider bar and some how show the value (1 - 100)

so, can someone please tell me how can I .... ?


Just add a trackbar with a min of 1 and a max of 4 then add a event handler for onchanged and update a label by dividing its max value by its current value you will get a percentage as a decimal, then multiply by 100 and add a % sign.

label1.Text = ((trackBar.Value / trackBar.Maximum) * 100) + "%";

if the slider was at 2, with a max of 4 then 2/4 = .5 and .5 X 100 = 50

Anyway, I am including a working project Example in VisualStudio 2008 Format.

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