Is there any problem with the code .
Why this code is generating all offsets as 28.


#define offsetof( T , M ) (( size_t )(( char *)&(( T *)0) ->r - \
                          (char *)(T *) 0))

int main(void)
        struct STU {
        char name[20];
        struct DATE {
                short day ; short month ; short year ;

        int r ;
        size_t pos =  offsetof( struct STU , name[0] );
        printf(" pos name[0] = %d ", pos );
        pos =  offsetof( struct STU , r );
        printf(" pos r = %d ", pos );

         pos =  offsetof( struct STU , D.month );
         printf(" pos month = %d ", pos );

         pos =  offsetof( struct STU , D.year );
         printf(" pos year = %d ", pos );
return 0;

Did you mean to put M instead of r in your macro?

Did you mean to put M instead of r in your macro?

Yes U are Right.

i Modified.

#define offsetof( T , M ) (( size_t )(( char *)&(( T *)0) ->M - (char *)(T *) 0))


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