the application below is what i did so far, please give me feedback

the Payroll Program so that it uses a class to store and retrieve the employee's name, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked. Use a constructor to initialize the employee information, and a method within that class to calculate the weekly pay. Once stop is entered as the employee name, the application should terminate.

import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner

public class PayrollProgramPart2 //start class PayrollProgramPart2
// start method main
public static void main( String args[] )
Scanner input = new Scanner( ); //create Scanner to obtain input from CMD

//input commands
System.out.print( "Please enter employee's name: "); //prompt for employee's name
String name = input.nextLine(); //input employee's name
do //do statement for loop
//input hourly rate
System.out.print( "Please enter hourly rate: $"); // prompt for hourly rate
double rate = input.nextFloat(); //input hourly rate
while (rate <= 0) //check and loop for equal to or less than 0
System.out.print( "Please enter positive hourly rate: $"); //prompt for positve rate
rate = input.nextFloat(); //input hourly rate
} //end while

//input number of hours worked
System.out.print( "Please enter number of hours worked:" );
// prompt for hours worked
double hours = input.nextFloat(); //input hours worked
while (hours <= 0) //check and loop for equal to or less than 0
System.out.print( "Please enter positive number of hours: ");
//prompt for positve hours
hours = input.nextFloat(); //input hours worked
} //end while

//calculation commands
double pay = hours*rate; // multiple hours x rate = pay

//output commands
System.out.printf(name +"'s pay this week is: $%.2f\n", pay);
// display employee's name and pay

name = input.nextLine();
System.out.print( "Please enter employee's name or stop to quit: ");
// prompt for employee's name
name = input.nextLine(); //input employee's name or stop
}while (!name.toLowerCase().equals("stop"));
//while statement for loop until name = stop
System.out.print( "Program Terminated" ); // end message
// end method main

} // end class PayrollProgramPart2

Use code tags if you need an opinion!

I am clueless about this concept. I am really struggling to get this right. Can you be more specific. This is my first java course.

please test it yourself and post the problems that you faced while running...

no Tester available here...

the application below is what i did so far, please give me feedback

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