Hi :)
I'm writing a basic 2 stage bootloader (I actually do plan for it to work, it's not just a hello world loader) and I've migrated to nasm. I find it much easier to use, etc. etc.
Anyway; I'm using the times directive to get the program to 512 bytes, and in all the examples I've seen about boot sector programs, they always have it like this:
times 510-($-$$) db 0
(it's 510 to account for the boot signature).
Anyway, that's exactle how I have it. I've tried org'ing to different locations ([org 0] was interesting, I got a bunch of S characters printed in an infinite loop) and none have helped.
I've read the nasm manual on times; but it didn't help. I'm having to change the number from 510 to get it to stay at 512 bytes every time I add new code, and it's getting annoying because I have to compile the program twice so that I can change it.
Anyway, what I don't understand is why the times instruction never works for me, but it seems to work when I compile other people's code. I tried combining my include files into one file, and making sure the times and boot signature were at the end of the data segment, but it didn't work.
Here's the main file; tell me if you need more
; stage1.asm: stage1, load and initialize stage2 ;
[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]
jmp start
%include "../include/rmode/diskio.inc" ; real mode disk access (int 13h)
%include "../include/rmode/scrnio.inc" ; real mode screen i/o (int 10h)
section .text
global start
; start: initialize self, reset the disk and try to load stage2
xor ax, ax ; Zero ax
mov ds, ax ; ds = 0
mov ss, ax ; ss = 0
mov sp, 0x9c00 ; Place the stack pointer 200h past [cs:0]
; First, grab the boot disk that the BIOS puts in dl
mov byte[bootd], dl
print 'stage1 loaded, searching for stage2...', 0
call findStage2 ; Find stage 2
cmp ax, 0 ; Check return value
mov word[integer], ax
jne _error ; Uh-oh
print ' done.', 13, 10, 'stage2 found, loading...', 0
call loadStage2 ; Load stage2 into memory at 0x7e00
cmp ax, 0 ; Check stage2 was loaded properly
mov word[integer], ax
jne _error
print ' done.', 13, 10, 'stage2 loaded, executing...', 0
; Set register state
mov dl, byte[bootd] ; stage2 wants boot disk, put it back in dl
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
print ' Bye!', 13, 10, 0
jmp cseg:off ; Jump to stage2
print 'Unable to jump to stage 2!'
jmp $
; findStage2: search for the stage2 file in the next 30 KiB of the disk
print 'error: ax = ', 0
call intprint
print 10, 13, 0
section .data
dseg db 0x10 ; data segment
cseg db 8 ; code segment
off db 0x7e00 ; offset of stage2 in memory
bootd db 0 ; boot disk
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55