
i am developing a program which will store live data (data read from some device every second) into MSAccess database...now i want that data to be available over LAN... i.e. my main computer will be connected to device and i want other computers to read data from the database in main comp...

and as next step, i want similar communication over internet...

Please help me to get a start....Please suggest me readings/tutorials that i need need to go through for this type of communication..



for your LAN, ADO connect to remote machines inside a LAN.

Simply provide machine name to connect to.

For Access, which is not a database but a datafile (different things), you'll need to put a share in your network. Your main computer (I'll call SERVER) will share a directory, where the .MDB file is in. Then, each client will access this directory in form


Make sure each client can access this path through Windows Explorer (type the entire path and, if it can access, the folder will be shown).

I think you may use other database solution, like MSDE, MySQL or SQL Server Express, all of that freely and much more reliable than MSAccess. It's my opinion, of course.

For internet, I think it will not possible with Access and local clients running VB6. You can try an ASP solution, instead.

Good luck,


commented: thanks..but more help needed :) +1

Technically sidnie, Access the application is a DBMS just as SQL server is while the *.mdb and *.mdf (access and sql server) are the data files in question and an ASP application could use the *.mdb but I would suggest that you upgrade your DBMS to a better one because...

60 x 60 x 24 = 86400 entries and if that is nothing but longs x 4 = 345600 / 1024 = 337.5 Kb * 7 = 2362.5 Kb which is not much but I doubt you are just storing a long value.

Good Luck

commented: thanks...but more help needed :) +1

Thanks sidnei and vb5prgrmr,

i understood your point of choosing database...but since i have developed the application using MSAccess...i dont want to change it for this application...
i'll be creating a separate datafile each day...so mydata file wont become too heavy :)

now request you to tell me how to transfer data over internet..when i have a datafile of Access..would it be possible to use a ASP solution to do the data transfer?? how??

all i need to do is send the data from the datafile form my main computer to other computers..and my VB program running on my main computer can have no role in this..

Please help..

No, an ASP application would not be able to "send" the data over the internet. It can however be requested to display the information on a html form that is sent over the network. Do you understand the difference?

Several possible solutions and it depends upon who or what is requesting the information.

1) You could link to the file (double check to see if you can use the FileCopy Command while the db is open and that the resulting file can be read), or an ASP function that could copy the file and even zip it up for you if you wanted to transfer the mdb itself.

2) Slight variation, the ASP function could read the data from the database and put it into another file. That file could be a mdb, xls, doc, rtf, txt, and so on. Then, optionally as noted above, the resulting file could be zipped up and sent to end user.

3) Standard ASP application that just displays the information in the browser...

4) Now, if you are creating a fat client for users to use and for them to retrieve this information, you could use option 3 above along with the webbrowser control. This way you could do the navigation for them, read the resulting html, and create a local mdb, xls, etc. Thus transfering the bulk of the work from the server to the client.

5) And finally, if you are creating a fat client for your users, you could create a service on a webserver that listens to http requests via winsock control, and in this way VB does "send" the data over the internet. Search vbforums.com codebank for vb6 to find a couple of webservers done with vb6 to learn more about what I'm talking about.

6) put here just in case I or someone else thinks of another way in which to transfer this data over the internet...

Good Luck

Hi Pankaj,
Ofcourse i am newbie to this site i have developed some programs that is shareable over LAN using MSAccess as database. Can you upload yous MSAccess database and make everyone clear that what type of Data you want to transfer from your computer.

What it mean by similar communication over internet? Do you mean to say simple Chat Program over LAN or Internet?


actually am doing MCA... i want to know that whether ASP.net is good to learn? or any other area in .NET?...

ranjani, welcome to the site... It is not nice to highjack someone elses thread as you have done and frowned upon by many a site. So please, for future reference, if you need to reference someone elses thread or an older thread as this one is getting to be, copy the url into your own thread posting along with your question.

As for your question, if your going .NET... you might as well go all the way with .NET and learn as much as you can. However, if you are wanting to be webdesigner then I would suggest that you learn ASP.NET classic ASP and PHP as I see a lot of requests for those skill sets...

Good Luck

Hi kinwang2009 ,

Thanks for showing your interest in helping me out..i have attached a sample datafile...basically its mostly integer values..and i need to send the data in it over LAN for generating reports....

for second part...by "similar communication over internet" i meant that i want some one sitting in another city should be able to generate reports using this datafile (stored on my local computer) using internet..



Hi Pankaj,
Ofcourse i am newbie to this site i have developed some programs that is shareable over LAN using MSAccess as database. Can you upload yous MSAccess database and make everyone clear that what type of Data you want to transfer from your computer.

What it mean by similar communication over internet? Do you mean to say simple Chat Program over LAN or Internet?


Hi Pankaj,

I have gone through your database and I recommend your problem will be solved by using source code from ChatterBox Chat program developed by Smith Assist. I have also made LAN/Internet chating program using source code from ChatterBox. This source code is helpful to create Chat program and Data sending program. However I must warn you that as per Smith Assist no one should use this code for commercial purposes.
I hope you might find this source code from search engine like Google.

Good Luck

Hi Pankaj,

This is kinwang2009 again. I have made some sample code for you.
You can find the attached sample code. You are also welcome to rate my post if it is helpful to you.


commented: Thanks alot +1

Thanks kinwang2009 for the code..

while i play around with the code and get comfortable with it...can you please suggest me how to go about similar communication over internet ??

Thanks in advance..

Hi Pankaj,

This is kinwang2009 again. I have made some sample code for you.
You can find the attached sample code. You are also welcome to rate my post if it is helpful to you.


Hi Pankaj,

I am still not clear about your similar communication over Internet. Do you mean to say a chating facilities over Internet/LAN?


yes kinwang2009, i want to transfer the data over internet, from my MSAccess datafile to a client system...

Hi Pankaj,

I am still not clear about your similar communication over Internet. Do you mean to say a chating facilities over Internet/LAN?


OK Pankaj,

You can download VB Winsock Chat.zip developed by Timothy Light or ChatterBox.zip Developed by Smith Assist using Google.

Let me know if you have any problem.

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