Hi, can anyone look at this and see why it doesn't work? When I test and enter a numeric value in the text box it still gives the error I have placed in the code, same if I put in a letter etc.
Thanks!! :)
Private Sub valueDouble(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtTestscore1.TextChanged, txtTestscore2.TextChanged, txtTestscore3.TextChanged
'verify input are numeric
Dim dblvalueDouble As Double
Dim dblvalueDouble1 As Double
Dim dblvalueDouble2 As Double
If Not Double.TryParse(Me.txtTestscore1.Text, dblvalueDouble) OrElse Not Double.TryParse(Me.txtTestscore2.Text, dblvalueDouble1) Then
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Entry please enter a number")
ElseIf Not Double.TryParse(Me.txtTestscore3.Text, dblvalueDouble2) Then
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Entry please enter a number")
End If
End Sub