I have this homework assignment that i need help with and below is the code that i have so far. any help would be appreciated. thank you.
Write a program that tells what coins to give out for any amount of change from 1 cent to 99 cents.
For example, if the amount is 86 cents, the output would be something like the following:
86 cents can be given as 3 quarter(s) 1 dime(s) amd 1 penny(pennies).
Use coin denominations of 25 cents (quarters),
10 cents (dimes) and 1 cent (pennies).
Do not use nickel and half-dollar coins.
Your program will use the following function (amoung others): void computeCoin(int coinValue, int& number, int& amountLeft); /* Preconditions:
0 < coinValue < 100;
0 <= amountLeft < 100.
Postconditions: number has been set equal to the maximum number of coins of dem=nomination conValue cents that can be obtained from amountLeft cents.
AmountLeft has been decreased by the value of the coins, that is, decreased by number*coinValue.
For example, suppose the value of the variable amountLeft is 86. Then, after the following call, the value of number will be 3 and the value of amountLeft will be 11 (because if you take three quarters from 86 cents, that leaves 11 cents):computeCoins(25, number, amountLeft);
Include a loop that lets the user repeat this computation for new input values untill the user says he or she wants to end the program.
(Hint: Use integer division and the % operator to implement this function.) p>
here is what i have so far i just need to implement this function in this program
void computeCoin(int coinValue, int& number, int& amountLeft);
how do i do that.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void computeCoin(int coinValue, int& number, int& amountLeft);
// Main Program
int main( )
// Variable Declations
int coin_value;
int quarters;
int dimes;
int pennies;
int total_amount;
char yes = 'y';
char Yes = 'Y';
char agian;
// Enter code below
quarters = 0;
dimes = 0;
pennies = 0;
cout<< " Enter the amount of change ";
cin >> coin_value;
cout << "\n";
if (coin_value >= 25 && coin_value <= 100)
quarters = coin_value / 25;
coin_value = coin_value % 25;
if (coin_value <= 24 && coin_value >= 10)
dimes = coin_value /10;
coin_value = coin_value % 10;
if (coin_value <= 4 && coin_value >= 1)
pennies = coin_value;
total_amount =( quarters * 25)+ (dimes * 10) + pennies;
cout << total_amount << " Cents Can be given as " ;
if (quarters == 1)
cout << quarters << " quarter, ";
if (quarters == 2 || quarters == 3)
cout << quarters << " quarters, ";
if (dimes == 1)
cout << dimes << " dime, ";
if (dimes == 2 )
cout << dimes << " dimes, ";
if (pennies == 1)
cout << pennies << " penny. " << endl;
if (pennies < 4 && pennies > 2)
cout << pennies << " pennies. " << endl;
cout << "\n";
cout << " Would you like to run the program agian (Y or N)? ";
cin >> agian;
while (agian == yes || agian == Yes);
cout << "\n\nEnd Program.\n";
return 0;