HELLO PLEASE HELP to do a CODE PLEASE.. it give the meaning of each input....

if i input in a textbox this

int a;

then the output in listbox must

int = characters
a = variable
; = terminators

You really need to be clear and explain in detail what you need.

EXAMPLE ... Help me for the Code in Visual Basic...

this is the Question.... i will input this " int a;" or " a+b-c=d "
then the output must... like this


int = characters
a to z = VARIABLEs
0 to 9 = NUMBERs
+ - * / = OPERATORS

Sounds like you want to add the ability for user to run a script at runtime... See microsoft script control under components and in help. Also, use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answer, bing) and search for vb6 script control as I know there are a couple of examples out there...

Good Luck

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