Hey all! I'm new to C++ and am having trouble with the Do...While loop terminating. My problem is I want the loop to end when the user enters 'X' when asked for an operation. When 'X' is entered it still asks for a number and then displays the current total before ending. Is there any way to get the program to end immediately after the user enters 'X'? I understand I can use an If statement and break the loop when operation == 'X' but I feel like this would defeat the purpose of using a Do....While loop.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() 
	double start = 0, number;
	char operation;

	cout << "Current total is " << start << endl;

		cout << "Enter an operation: + - * / (or enter X to exit):";
		cin >> operation;
		cout << "Enter a number: ";
		cin >> number;
		 if (operation == '+')
			start = start + number;
		else if (operation == '-')
			start = start - number;
		else if (operation == '*')
			start = start * number;
		else if ((operation == '/') && (number == 0))
			cout << "can not divide by zero!" << endl;
		else if (operation == '/')
			start = start / number;
		cout << "Current total is " << start << endl;
	} while (operation != 'X');

cin >> operation;
if(operation == 'X') break;

Input the operation before the do . Then just before the while input the next operation.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
double start = 0, number;
char operation;
cout << "Current total is " << start << endl;
cout << "Enter an operation: + - * / (or enter X to exit):";
cin >> operation;
if (operation == 'X')
goto endprog;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;
case '+':
   start = start + number;goto startprog;
case '-':
   start = start - number;goto startprog;
case '*':
   start = start * number;goto startprog;
case '/':
if ((operation == '/') && (number == 0))
   cout << "can not divide by zero!" << endl;goto startprog;
if (operation == '/')
   start = start / number;goto startprog;
        return 0;

what do you think ?

what do you think ?

The code is terrible.
1) Doesn't use a loop
2) Uses the dreaded goto 3) Inconsistent indentation

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