Hey guys, i need some help with a hangman project for school.
The outline is:
make program that plays the game of hangman, read the word to be guessed into a string variable. ( The programmer must make about 10-20 words to have one randomly picked each time a game is started. the player must guess the letters belonging to the word. the words letters must be * before they are guessed correctly.
when the program is started you pick a difficulty level. easy,medium,hard. easy has 15 lives, medium has 10 lives and hard has only 5. each inccorect guess means you lose a life, if all are lost it says game over and then you terminate. maybe use an array for the list of difficultys?
i have started but need some help on the main parts.
try to help me with basic ways of doing it a we havent gone too far yet
we were told to have a variable named solution to keep track of it at any time during the program. intialize solution to a string of *. each time a letter is in the word is guessed replaces that * with the letter in that place
some snippets of ideas i have:
int lives;
if (diff = easy)
{ lives = 5};
Please help =P