For my project, we're supposed to read data from a text file (circlemath.txt) and the program should output data for the circle to a text file (circoutput.txt). The input file contains data specific for class Circle (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, radius, ascii character), and each line has the form (Circle1 data, operator symbol, Circle2 data). We're supposed to overload the +, - , << , and >> operators to do specific tasks. The problem I'm having is reading in the file. We're supposed to read to eof, and when I try that, I get one extra line of data that is complete garbage. This garbage line causes my program to crash. I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the problem is. I've tried looking and I can't seem to find it. Here's all 3 of my source files as well as the input file.
0 0 2 $ + 0 0 1 *
0 0 2 * - 0 0 1 *
10 10 10 o - 5 5 5 ^
-5 15 5 # + 10 -5 10 &
20 20 20 . + 10 10 10 y
#ifndef CIRCLE_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Circle
Circle(); // Constructor
void setCoordinates(int x, int y); // Mutator functions
void setRadius(int r);
void setASCIICharacter(char ch);
void setOp(char o);
float computeArea();
float computePerimeter();
void displayCircleAttributes();
void drawCircle();
int getXCoord() const; // Accessor functions
int getYCoord() const;
int getRadius() const;
char getASCIICharacter() const;
char getOp() const;
Circle operator +(Circle circle); // Overloaded operators
Circle operator -(Circle circle);
int xCoord; // Data members
int yCoord;
int radius;
char asciiCharacter;
char op;
friend istream& operator >>(istream &is, Circle &circle); // Friend functions
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream &os, Circle &circle);
#define CIRCLE_H
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const float PI = 3.1416F;
const int PADDING = 3;
// This default constructor sets up the data members with default values. //
xCoord = yCoord = 0;
radius = 1;
asciiCharacter = ' ';
// Assign the x- and y- coords of the circle's center with parameterized values. //
void Circle::setCoordinates(int x, int y)
xCoord = x;
yCoord = y;
// Assign the radius of the circle the parameterized value. //
void Circle::setRadius(int r)
if(r < 0)
radius = 1;
radius = r;
// Assign the fill character of the circle the parameterized value. //
void Circle::setASCIICharacter(char ch)
asciiCharacter = ch;
// Assign the Operator Character of the circle the parameterized value. //
void Circle::setOp(char o)
op = o;
// Compute and return the area of the circle. //
float Circle::computeArea()
return PI * radius * radius;
// Compute and return the perimeter of the circle. //
float Circle::computePerimeter()
return 2 * PI * radius;
// Output the circle's data member values, as //
// well as the area and perimeter of the Circle. //
void Circle::displayCircleAttributes()
cout << setprecision(4);
cout << "Center's x-coordinate: " << xCoord << endl;
cout << "Center's y-coordinate: " << yCoord << endl;
cout << "Circle's radius: " << radius << endl;
cout << "Circle's area: " << computeArea() << endl;
cout << "Circle's perimeter: " << computePerimeter() << endl;
cout << "Circle's fill character: " << asciiCharacter << endl;
// Output the Circle, using its ASCII character to draw it, //
// as well as vertical and horizontal symbols to draw the //
// coordinate axes, and an 'X' at the center of the circle. //
void Circle::drawCircle()
const int PADDING = 4;
const float HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO = 1.5F;
int lowerX = (xCoord-radius < -PADDING) ? (xCoord-radius-PADDING) : -PADDING;
int upperX = (xCoord+radius > PADDING) ? (xCoord+radius+PADDING) : PADDING;
int lowerY = (yCoord-radius < -PADDING) ? (yCoord-radius-PADDING) : -PADDING;
int upperY = (yCoord+radius > PADDING) ? (yCoord+radius+PADDING) : PADDING;
for (int y = upperY; y >= lowerY; y--)
for (int x = int(HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO*lowerX); x <= int(HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO*upperX); x++)
if ((x == xCoord) && (y == yCoord))
cout << 'X';
else if (pow(double(x-xCoord)/HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO,2)
+ pow(double(y-yCoord),2) <= pow(double(radius),2))
cout << asciiCharacter;
else if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
cout << '+';
else if (x == 0)
cout << '|';
else if (y == 0)
cout << '-';
cout << ' ';
cout << endl;
// Access and return the Circle's x-coordinate value. //
int Circle::getXCoord() const
return xCoord;
// Access and return the Circle's y-coordinate value. //
int Circle::getYCoord() const
return yCoord;
// Access and return the value of the Circle's radius. //
int Circle::getRadius() const
return radius;
// Access and return the value of the Circle's ASCII fill character. //
char Circle::getASCIICharacter() const
return asciiCharacter;
// Access and return the value of the Circle's Operator character. //
char Circle::getOp() const
return op;
// Allows Circle's coordinates and Circle's radius to be added to another Circle. //
Circle Circle::operator +(Circle circle2)
Circle circle3;
circle3.xCoord = xCoord + circle2.xCoord;
circle3.yCoord = yCoord + circle2.yCoord;
circle3.radius = radius + circle2.radius;
circle3.asciiCharacter = asciiCharacter;
return circle3;
// Allows Circle's coordinates and Circle's radius to be subtracted from another Circle. //
Circle Circle::operator -(Circle circle2)
Circle circle3;
circle3.asciiCharacter = asciiCharacter;
circle3.xCoord = xCoord - circle2.xCoord;
circle3.yCoord = yCoord - circle2.yCoord;
if(radius - circle2.radius < 1)
circle3.radius = 1;
circle3.radius = radius - circle2.radius;
return circle3;
// Allows data to be stored from a .txt file into a Circle object
istream& operator >>(istream &is, Circle &circle)
int x,y, r;
char sym;
is >> x >> y >> r >> sym;
return is;
// Allows Circle data to be output to a destination file.
ostream& operator <<(ostream &os, Circle &circle)
static int counter(0), probNumber(0);
counter ++;
if(counter % 3 == 1)
os << "****************************************************" << endl;
os << "*** Problem " << probNumber << endl;
os << "****************************************************" << endl << endl;
if(counter % 3 == 2)
if(circle.op == '+')
os << "Plus(+):" << endl;
else if(circle.op == '-')
os << "Minus(-):" << endl;
if(counter % 3 == 0)
os << "Results in:" << endl;
os << setprecision(4);
os << "Center's x-coordinate: " << circle.xCoord << endl;
os << "Center's y-coordinate: " << circle.yCoord << endl;
os << "Circle's radius: " << circle.radius << endl;
os << "Circle's area: " << circle.computeArea() << endl;
os << "Circle's perimeter: " << circle.computePerimeter() << endl;
os << "Circle's fill character: " << circle.asciiCharacter << endl;
const int PADDING = 4;
const float HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO = 1.5F;
int lowerX = (circle.xCoord-circle.radius < -PADDING) ? (circle.xCoord-circle.radius-PADDING) : -PADDING;
int upperX = (circle.xCoord+circle.radius > PADDING) ? (circle.xCoord+circle.radius+PADDING) : PADDING;
int lowerY = (circle.yCoord-circle.radius < -PADDING) ? (circle.yCoord-circle.radius-PADDING) : -PADDING;
int upperY = (circle.yCoord+circle.radius > PADDING) ? (circle.yCoord+circle.radius+PADDING) : PADDING;
for (int y = upperY; y >= lowerY; y--)
for (int x = int(HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO*lowerX); x <= int(HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO*upperX); x++)
if ((x == circle.xCoord) && (y == circle.yCoord))
os << 'X';
else if (pow(double(x-circle.xCoord)/HEIGHT_WIDTH_RATIO,2)
+ pow(double(y-circle.yCoord),2) <= pow(double(circle.radius),2))
os << circle.asciiCharacter;
else if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
os << '+';
else if (x == 0)
os << '|';
else if (y == 0)
os << '-';
os << ' ';
os << endl;
return os;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include "circle.h"
using namespace std;
void addCircles(Circle obj1, Circle obj2, Circle &circle3);
void subtractCircles(Circle obj1, Circle obj2, Circle &circle3);
void outputCompletionMessage();
int main()
Circle circle1, circle2, circle3;
char op;
int counter(0);
ifstream myfile;
ofstream destination;"circlemath.txt");"circlecoutput.txt");
assert (!;
myfile >> circle1 >> op >> circle2;
if(op == '+')
destination << circle1 << circle2 << circle3;
return 0;
void addCircles(Circle obj1, Circle obj2, Circle &circle3)
circle3 = obj1 + obj2;
void subtractCircles(Circle obj1, Circle obj2, Circle &circle3)
circle3 = obj1 - obj2;
void outputCompletionMessage()
cout << "Processing Complete!\n\n\n";