Hey there, well I'm working on this miniregister program that allows the user to add classes and insert students into those classes and whatnot, and I'm trying to get the average age of a class but I keep getting garbage for some reason, so if you could help me out I'd appreciate it.
Here's the code:
int DisplayClass (){
//This function displays the summary of the class
char name[30]; // Variable of the first name
char last[30]; // Variable that contains the last name
int age; // Variable of the age
char gender; // Variable of the gender
int grade[5]; // Variable of the 5 grades
int i = 0;
int gradetotal[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
int AgeTotal;
float gradeavg[5]; // Variable used to store the average of each grade
float AgeAvg = 0; // Variable used to store the average age
int male = 0;
int female = 0;
ifstream Class;
string ClassName;
cout << "Enter a class: " << endl;
cin >> ClassName;
cout << "Opening file " << ClassName << " for reading \n\n";
cout << "The file could not be opened! " << endl;
cout << "Possible errors: " << endl;
cout << "The class does not exist. " << endl;
exit(1); // Exits program.
Class >> name >> last >> age >> gender >> grade[0] >> grade[1]
>> grade[2] >> grade[3] >> grade[4];
gradetotal[0] += grade[0];
gradetotal[1] += grade[1];
gradetotal[2] += grade[2];
gradetotal[3] += grade[3];
gradetotal[4] += grade[4];
AgeTotal += age;
if (gender == 'M' || gender == 'm'){
else if (gender == 'F' || gender == 'f'){
Class >> name >> last >> age >> gender >> grade[0] >> grade[1]
>> grade[2] >> grade[3] >> grade[4];
gradeavg[0] = gradetotal[0]/i;
gradeavg[1] = gradetotal[1]/i;
gradeavg[2] = gradetotal[2]/i;
gradeavg[3] = gradetotal[3]/i;
gradeavg[4] = gradetotal[4]/i;
AgeAvg = AgeTotal/i;
// Displays the actual class summary
cout << "Exams Summary " << endl;
cout << "Exam 1 Average:" << setprecision(2) << gradeavg[0] << endl;
cout << "Exam 2 Average:" << setprecision(2) << gradeavg[1] << endl;
cout << "Exam 3 Average:" << setprecision(2) << gradeavg[2] << endl;
cout << "Exam 4 Average:" << setprecision(2) << gradeavg[3] << endl;
cout << "Exam 5 Average:" << setprecision(2) << gradeavg[4] << endl << endl;
cout << "Gender Summary " << endl;
cout << "Females:" << female << endl;
cout << "Males:" << male << endl << endl;
cout << "Age Average:" << AgeAvg << endl;
return 0;
If you need any more info, let me know. Thanks