Hello Everybody! first of all,i`m complete noob at software developing.I don`t even know what language i should write the program that i need.Basically, i want to create program that has sort of "sand box" environment for windows. The purpose of the program is to make the human who currently logged in the OS, stay focused on the work.In other words,it will only allow student do stuff that is related to the assignment.At the beginning, mentor will just modify what programs, can student use, and what web-sites he/she can use.

...maybe this should be in another forum?

as i said before, i complete noob, and i really don`t know how to start to implement this,i`m currently taking some C++ classes so i thought that could write this program in C++,that`s why i posted in this section.

All programs start with a clearly defined concept and clearly defined design. Do you have a clearly defined process for keeping someone on task?

All programs start with a clearly defined concept and clearly defined design. Do you have a clearly defined process for keeping someone on task?

What do you mean by process?Is it some sort of pseudocode or u meant design of program?if u meant design i had in mind that it needs to have sort of firewall,that will block any other programs/pages that weren`t allowed by mentor.I also though about a scheduler,which will allow student to use particular programs on certain days of week.

What do you mean by process?Is it some sort of pseudocode or u meant design of program?


if u meant design i had in mind that it needs to have sort of firewall,that will block any other programs/pages that weren`t allowed by mentor.I also though about a scheduler,which will allow student to use particular programs on certain days of week.

What kind of firewall? Do you know how to make one?
What kind of scheduler? Do you know how they work?

And I always wonder what countries teach that in English sentences are all run together. Don't they teach that after ?.,! and so on there is always a space? It's used to make text readable.

And u is not a word. It is spelled Y-O-U. Please...


What kind of firewall? Do you know how to make one?
What kind of scheduler? Do you know how they work?

And I always wonder what countries teach that in English sentences are all run together. Don't they teach that after ?.,! and so on there is always a space? It's used to make text readable.

And u is not a word. It is spelled Y-O-U. Please...

I`m really sorry for my English. I do understand that i sound really dumb,but i don`t think there`s a lot of types of firewalls. What i meant is not the typical firewall such as "Zone Alarm" but the basic meaning of firewall program(designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications.). In this case, authorized communications will be programs that mentor/teacher/parent has allowed to use in the beginning for the particular task.For example, if the student has math homework, it will only allow student to use programs such as Matlab, browser to get the assignment and MS Word to write the answers. No other website except online math homework will be allowed to use during this assignment.
Scheduler in this case will help parent/teacher to schedule, which applications student/children can use during certain days.For example, today`s Monday. There are 3 assignments for this week:math(due Friday),art(due Thursday) and physics(due Wednesday) .Mentor/teacher/parent schedule the program to allow student do the physics first(for the first 2 days),then art(starting from Tuesday to Thursday), and math (from Wednesday to Thursday).So this will help student help stay focused on the task,that has the highest priority and help student manage time successfully.

So, this is what i have in mind. Now comes the hardest part, i really don`t know where to start.I do understand what i have in mind,but i have never programmed
any firewall or scheduler in my life.
So here`s my questions:
1.What language should i implement this program in ?
2.What resource would you recommend to start learning and gaining knowledge about how to design that sort of stuff?
3.What would you suggest me to start with?

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