i got a problem wana display my String but it doesnt work

here is my code i dont understand why it doesnt print me anything.....

class StringDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1,s2,s3,output;

s1=new String("hello");
s2=new String("hello guys");
s3=new String("happy birthday");

output="s1 = " +s1+ "\ns2 = " +s2+ "\ns3" +s3+;


help me not getting s1,s2,s3

1. Applying text formatting on your post doesn't help you to get positive attention, so please do not use bold and italic formatting to make your post something special. Use it only to highlight important part in problem description not whole post
2. Use of code tags would be nice
3. Use of full English is expected
4. If you added System.out.println(output); you would see your combined string

ur code will not compile .... remove last '+' from your last line
ie remove below line
output="s1 = " +s1+ "\ns2 = " +s2+ "\ns3" +s3+;

output="s1 = " +s1+ "\ns2 = " +s2+ "\ns3" +s3;

class stringdemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
  String s1,s2,s3,output;
  s1 = "hello";
  s2 = "hello guys";
  s3 = "happy birthday";
  output = "s1="+s1+"\ns2="+s2+"\ns3="+s3;
 *By FlamingClaw.2010.04.05.Hungary

thnx man for help

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