heelllo i am trying to upload a file to a ftp server,here i smy code:

HINTERNET internet;

	internet = InternetOpen(NULL , INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT , NULL , NULL , 0);
	ftp = InternetConnect(internet , "" , INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT , NULL , NULL , INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP , 0 , 0);
	bool x = FtpPutFile(ftp , "c:\\log.txt" , "logger.txt" , FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY , 0);
		cout << GetLastError() << endl;
	char buff[400];
	DWORD a , size = 256;
	 InternetGetLastResponseInfo(&a , buff , &size);
	 cout << buff << endl;


my FptPutFile returns this:

200 Type set to I.

200 PORT Command successful.

550 Operation not complete

as a ftp server i am using Golden Ftp server....

to test that it works....it works now,ive installed another ftp server

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