gwong 0 Newbie Poster

I am new to using the Soap::Lite perl module. Here is a piece of code to retrieve an image, but it does not seem to working properly.


# Load the SOAP library
use SOAP::Lite;
# Service details
my $NAMESPACE = '';
my $ENDPOINT = '';
# Create interface to the service
my $soap = new SOAP::Lite(uri   => $NAMESPACE,
                          proxy => $ENDPOINT);
# Add a fault handler to map a fault to a die
	sub {    # SOAP fault handler
		my $soap = shift;
		my $res  = shift;
		# Map faults to exceptions
		if ( ref($res) eq '' ) {
		else {
			die( $res->faultstring );
		return new SOAP::SOM;

my $request = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\" xmlns:ops=\"\">";
$request = $request . "<soapenv:Header\/>";
$request = $request . "<soapenv:Body>";
$request = $request . "<ops:document-retrieval id=\"EP        1000000A1 I \" page-number=\"1\" document-format=\"SINGLE_PAGE_PDF\" system=\"\">";
$request = $request . "<\/ops:document-retrieval>";
$request = $request . "<\/soapenv:Body>";
$request = $request . "<\/soapenv:Envelope>";

print "reqeuest = $request\n";

# Perform the query
my $result = $soap->call('OPSDocumentRetrievalService' => $request);

# Output the result
print $result->result;

from the wsdl file I am interested in this service:

<wsdl:service name="OPSDocumentRetrievalService">
<wsdl:port name="DocumentRetrievalPort" binding="tns:DocumentRetrievalBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>

Sample XML request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ops="">
<ops:document-retrieval id="EP 1000000A1 I " page-number="1" document-format="SINGLE_PAGE_PDF" system="">

I get the following error message when I try to run the script:

mismatched tag at line 1, column 944, byte 944 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/sun4-solaris/XML/ line 187

The xml request seems to be valid and looks correct. Am I sending the request the wrong way or calling the service incorrectly?

Thanks for any replies!