I'm getting a compiler error in one of my .c's that I don't understand.
I'm getting

Tree.c:  In function 'newTree':
Tree.c:301:  error: expected declaration or statement at end of input

What I don't understand is that newTree and line 301 are completely separate functions. I can get the line error to move up and down a few lines by commenting out sections of code.

Any tips for the deleteNode() would be greatly appreciated :)


typedef struct TreeNode
    struct TreeNode *L;
    TreeInfoT info;
    struct TreeNode *R;
} *TreeNodeT;

typedef struct Tree
    TreeNodeT root;
} *TreeT;

 *    "Private" node functions

TreeNodeT newNode(TreeInfoT data)
  TreeNodeT temp = (TreeNodeT) malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
  temp->info = data;
  temp->L = NULL;
  temp->R = NULL;
  return temp;


TreeInfoT findNode(TreeNodeT node, TreeInfoT data)
  if (node == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nfindNode passed null node.\n");

  int stat = compareToTreeInfo(data, node->info);

  if(stat == 0)
    return node->info;

  else if (stat < 0)

    if(node->L == NULL)
      return NULL;
      findNode(node->L, data);

    if (node->R == NULL)
      return NULL;
      findNode(node->R, data);


void insertNode(TreeNodeT node, TreeNodeT inNode)
  if (node == NULL)

  int stat = compareToTreeInfo(inNode->info,node->info);

  if (stat == 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"\nduplicate found in insertNode.\n");
      //      return NULL;
  else if (stat < 0)
      //if leaf -- insert
      if (node->L == NULL)
	node->L = inNode;
      //else keep searching
	insertNode (node->L, inNode);
      // if leaf -- insert
      if (node->R == NULL)
	node->R = inNode;
      //else keep searching
	insertNode(node->R, inNode);

void displayNode(TreeNodeT root)
  if(root == NULL)


TreeNodeT deleteNode(TreeNodeT node, TreeInfoT data)
  int stat = compareToTreeInfo(data, node->info);


      //found node to delete
    case 0:
      //check for child cases
      //look to node->R
    case 1:
      if(node->R == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr,"\ndeleteNode -- node not found\n");
	  return NULL;
      deleteNode(node->R, data);
      //look to node->L
    case -1:
      if(node->L == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr,"\ndeleteNode -- node not found\n");
	  return NULL;
      deleteNode(node->L, data);


      fprintf(stderr,"deleteNode -- Invalid switch case.\n");


 return ;

void freeNode(TreeNodeT node)

 *  "Public"  Tree functions

 * Returns a pointer to a new empty Tree
 * If memory cannot be allocated, returns a NULL pointer
TreeT newTree()
  TreeT temp = (TreeT) malloc(sizeof(struct Tree));
  if (temp == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"newTree malloc failed");
      return NULL;

  temp->root == NULL;
  return temp;

 * Returns a pointer to a node
 * If not found, return a NULL pointer
 * Parameters: tree and node to be found
TreeInfoT findTree(TreeT tree, TreeInfoT data)
  if (tree == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"findTree passed null tree");
      return NULL;
  return findNode(tree->root, data);


 * Creates node with the provided info
 * Inserts the node into the correct position in the tree
  if(tree !=NULL)
void insertTree(TreeT tree, TreeInfoT data)
  if (tree == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"insertTree passed null tree");
  else if (tree->root == NULL)
      TreeNodeT node = newNode(data);
      tree->root = node;

  if (findTree(tree, data) == NULL )
      TreeNodeT node = newNode(data);
      insertNode(tree->root, node);

 * Removes the node containing the matching names
 * Parameters: tree and info to be removed
  need a TreeNodeT deleteNode(TreeNodeT, TreeInfoT) that is recursive
  find node
  decide if two or less children
  if 2 children
     find max of left subtree
     copy info of max_left to node to delete
     delete(Node, info_max_left)

  if one or less child
     if (q->left == NULL)
     parent->ptr = q->right
     parent->ptr = q->left

     free q

     return left or right back to parent
void removeTree(TreeT tree, TreeInfoT data)
  if(tree!= NULL)
    removeNode(tree->root, data);

 * Dislpays all the nodes in the tree using an inorder traversal
  if (ptr!=NULL)
void displayTreeInorder(TreeT tree)
  if(tree != NULL)

 * Frees the memory used by all the nodes in the tree
 * Frees the memory by the tree
 * Does NOT free the memory used by the "info"
post order
same as display
void freeTree(TreeT tree)
  if(tree != NULL)
      //      freeNode(tree);

Nvm, found the mismatched braces. Sorry

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