Hi, kinda new to the whole C# thing and trying to make a small app for myself in C# in Visual Studio.
Basically i have 2 combo boxes, 1 had Classes the other has Spec's in it. When you select the class it populates the second combo box with the "spec's" available to that class.
i've pulled all the specs into seperate array groups based on wether they use mana, rage, runic power or energy.
when you select one of the "specs" i want it so it picks the right array for the group and turns a group box / label visible on my form. Here is my code that i have and obviously it's incorrect. Any Help would be greatly appreciated and i thank you in advance
private void classcmbo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] ManaUsers = new string[]
string[] RageUsers = new string[] { "Arms", "Fury", "Protection", "Bearform" };
string[] NrgUsers = new string[] { "Assassination", "Combat", "Subtlety", "Catform" };
string[] RPUsers = new string[] { "Blood","Frost","Unholy" };
if (classcmbo.Text == "ManaUsers")
stsmna.Visible = true;
mnatxt.Visible = true;