if the token is separated by character like ':' or '|' how can you use sstream to tokenize it?

<< moderator edit: split thread from [thread=27724]here[/thread] >>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

int main()
   std::string token, text("Here:is:some:text");
   std::istringstream iss(text);
   while ( getline(iss, token, ':') )
      std::cout << token << std::endl;
   return 0;

/* my output

Pretty neat solution, thanks.
Here is a Tokenizer class from Codeproject, which can tokenize string separated by
different chars like space, coma, predefined char group etc.


#ifndef __TOKENIZER_H__
#define __TOKENIZER_H__

#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <locale>

using namespace std;

//For the case the default is a space.
//This is the default predicate for the Tokenize() function.
class CIsSpace : public unary_function<char, bool>
  bool operator()(char c) const;

inline bool CIsSpace::operator()(char c) const
  //isspace<char> returns true if c is a white-space character (0x09-0x0D or 0x20)
  //return isspace<char>(c);
  return isspace(c);

//For the case the separator is a comma
class CIsComma : public unary_function<char, bool>
  bool operator()(char c) const;

inline bool CIsComma::operator()(char c) const
  return (',' == c);

//For the case the separator is a character from a set of characters given in a string
class CIsFromString : public unary_function<char, bool>
  //Constructor specifying the separators
  CIsFromString::CIsFromString(string const& rostr) : m_ostr(rostr) {}
  bool operator()(char c) const;

  string m_ostr;

inline bool CIsFromString::operator()(char c) const
  int iFind = m_ostr.find(c);
  if(iFind != string::npos)
    return true;
    return false;

//String Tokenizer
template <class Pred=CIsSpace>
class CTokenizer
  //The predicate should evaluate to true when applied to a separator.
  static void Tokenize(vector<string>& roResult, string const& rostr, Pred const& roPred=Pred());

//The predicate should evaluate to true when applied to a separator.
template <class Pred>
inline void CTokenizer<Pred>::Tokenize(vector<string>& roResult, string const& rostr, Pred const& roPred)
  //First clear the results vector
  string::const_iterator it = rostr.begin();
  string::const_iterator itTokenEnd = rostr.begin();
  while(it != rostr.end())
    //Eat seperators
    //Find next token
    itTokenEnd = find_if(it, rostr.end(), roPred);
    //Append token to result
    if(it < itTokenEnd)
      roResult.push_back(string(it, itTokenEnd));
    it = itTokenEnd;
#endif //__TOKENIZER_H__

To use it:

vector<string> oResult;
      CTokenizer<CIsFromString>::Tokenize(oResult, path, CIsFromString(":"));
      for(int i=0; i<oResult.size(); i++)   cout << oResult[i] << endl;
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