I have downloaded a CPAN package 'Clickatell.pm' for use with a CGI script. I have uploaded it to the cgi-bin folder, set the permissions, but I can't get the script to use it.
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use lib '/websites/123reg/LinuxPackage06/ma/sa/re/masarestaurant.co.uk/public_html/cgi-bin';
package Clickatell;
my $catell = Clickatell->new( API_ID => $api_id );
When run, I get:
"Can't locate object method "new" via package "Clickatell" (perhaps you forgot to load "Clickatell"?) at /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage06/ma/sa/re/masarestaurant.co.uk/public_html/sms.pl line 20" the final line in the clip.
What am I doing wrong?
Martin Harriss