Hi all,
I am very much a beginner and I'm struggling just to pass this class..so go easy on me. I keep getting this 1 error and I cannot figure out why. I'm sure it's something simple but I'm at a dead-end here.
This is the error I get, it points to the call to function 'display':
error C2664: 'display' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [25]' to 'employee'
1> No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> //Required for setw
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int NAMES_SIZE = 25;
const int SSN_SIZE = 12;
struct employee{
char firstName[NAMES_SIZE];
char lastName[NAMES_SIZE];
char ssn[12];
char employeeType;
double hours,
//Function Prototypes
void getfirstName(char[25]);
void getlastName (char[25]);
void getssn (char[12]);
char getType();
double getHours();
double getRate();
double calculateGrossPay(double,double,char);
double calculateStateTax(double);
double calculateFederalTax(double);
double calculateNetPay(double,double,double);
void display(employee,employee,employee,employee,double,double,double,double);
int main(){
employee emp;
string empTypeStr;
double pay;
double nysTax; //calculated NYS tax
double fedTax; //calculated fed tax
double netPay; //calculated net pay
emp.employeeType = getType();
emp.hours = getHours();
emp.rate = getRate();
pay = calculateGrossPay(emp.hours,emp.rate,emp.employeeType);
nysTax = calculateStateTax(pay);
fedTax = calculateFederalTax(pay);
netPay = calculateNetPay(pay,fedTax,nysTax);
} //end main
void getfirstName(char firstName[]){
//prompt the user for the employee first name
cout << "\nEnter your first name: (no spaces) ";
//get the employee first name
}//end function getfirstName
void getlastName(char lastName[]){
//prompt the user for the employee last name
cout << "Enter your last name: (no spaces) ";
//get the employee last name
}//end function getlastName
void getssn (char ssn[]){
//prompt the user for the employee social security number
cout << "Enter your social security number: (xxx-xx-xxxx) ";
}//end function getssn
char getType(){
//prompt for employee type
char employeeType;
string empTypeStr;
do {
cout << "\nEnter \n";
cout << setw(29) << "H for hourly employee \n";
cout << setw(31) << "S for salaried employee \n";
cout << setw(28) << "U for union employee \n";
cin >> employeeType;
}while ((employeeType != 'h')
&&(employeeType != 'H')
&&(employeeType != 's')
&&(employeeType != 'S')
&&(employeeType != 'u')
&&(employeeType != 'U'));
return employeeType;
}//end function getType
double getHours(){
double hours;
//prompt for the hours worked
cout << "\nHow many hours did you work? ";
cin >> hours;
return hours;
}//end function getHours
double getRate(){
//prompt for the pay rate per hour
double rate;
cout << "\nHow much do you get paid per hour? ";
cin >> rate;
return rate;
}//end function getRate
double calculateGrossPay(double hours,double rate,char employeeType){
double pay;
string empTypeStr;
//calculate the pay
pay = hours * rate;
if (employeeType == 'U' || employeeType == 'u') //Union pay calculation
if (hours <= 40)
pay = rate * hours;
pay = (40 * rate) + (hours - 40) * (rate * 1.5);
return pay;
}//end function calculateGrossPay
double calculateStateTax(double pay){
double nysTax;
const double NYS_RATE = 0.10; //nys tax rate
//calculate the nys tax
nysTax = pay * NYS_RATE;
return nysTax;
}//end function calculateStateTax
double calculateFederalTax(double pay){
double fedTax;
const double FED_RATE = 0.15; //fed tax rate
//calculate the fed tax
fedTax = pay * FED_RATE;
return fedTax;
}//end function calculateFederalTax
double calculateNetPay(double pay,double nysTax,double fedTax){
double netPay;
//calculate the net pay
netPay = pay - nysTax - fedTax;
return netPay;
}//end function calculateNetPay
void display(employee firstName,employee lastName,employee ssn,employee employeeType,double pay,double nysTax,double fedTax,double netPay){
string empTypeStr;
employee emp;
//Display the results for the payroll
cout << "\nPayroll for " << emp.firstName << " " << emp.lastName << endl;
cout << "\nSSN: " << emp.ssn << endl;
cout << "Employee Status: " << emp.employeeType << endl;
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "\nGross pay: \t$" << setw(10) << pay << endl;
cout << "Federal Tax: \t$" << setw(10) << fedTax << endl;
cout << "NYS Tax: \t$" << setw(10) << nysTax << endl;
cout << "Net Pay: \t$" << setw(10) << netPay << endl;