Hello, I'm new to C and having this problem. What I need to do is add a single integer (0-9) to an (obviously char) string. More specifically, I want to add the value of a function that returns an integer (0-9) to a string. I don't want to change the integer value in any way, just to convert it to a form in which I could add it to a string.
I have checked out the itoa() function, but apparently it only stores the converted integer into a whole new string, not a single subscript/element of a string as I need.
Also, the function should return as a value the integer in the char form that it needs to be in order for it to be stored in the string.
"Pseudocode" example: TheString=ConvertToInt(FunctionThatReturnsInt());
Does a function like this exist in C? (If not, I guess I will have to code it, but I'd hate to "re-invent the wheel", so I am asking :) ) Thanks.