I'm not sure if this should go here but as i'm making my program in C# i thought i'd give it a go.

I've been using 'Add New Data Source' in visual studio 2008 to get information from Access databases. This has always worked fine but recently buttons like 'Add New Data Source' and 'Show Data Sources' etc just aren't doing anything.

Nothing at all, no errors, no windows pop up - nothing..... Has anyone had this problem? Any ideas at all? - I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, creating a new project and trying the same thing but to no effect.

Please help if you can....

did u do these steps?
Data-> Add new Data Source-> then click next -> click hteNew Connection button -> then a form will come with Add Connection click the Chnage button close to the Data Source Lable -> Select Microsoft ODBC Data source click ok , then u could select the Data Source Specification as MS Access Database -> click ok

then it will open a dialog box to select u'r file and click ok
is this the way u did this???

Hey, I did those general steps before but now the steps go:

Data->Add New Data Source->(Nothing happens).

And that is it...... I'm absolutely stuck.... do you know how to clear previous data sources in visual basic's memory so i can reset everything?

go to the solution explorar and delete the previous mdf file and the dataset,

hope this is useful

Hey krish - your idea is basically what i was doing before my problem arose. I was doing the following steps to refresh my database (when new fields etc were added):

Deleting the database file (not mdf but accdb)
Deleting the dataset
Deleting the reference to it in the app.config file
Deleting the reference to it in the properties -> Settings.settings

Then i would add the database again in order to update it and be able to work with the newly added fields, columns etc. I'm sure there must be a better way but for the life of me i don't know how.

Anyway, after trying everything i could think of and having no luck (The 'Add New Data Source' and 'Show Data Sources' buttons still doing absolutely nothing) I've eventually managed to solve the problem!

How? - by copying everything off my computer and formatting and reinstalling all over! It worked, got the buttons working again but seems excessive to solve a problem that must be some strange glitch in visual studio.

What a nightmare... anyway thanks for your help and ideas

Hey krish - your idea is basically what i was doing before my problem arose. I was doing the following steps to refresh my database (when new fields etc were added):

Deleting the database file (not mdf but accdb)
Deleting the dataset
Deleting the reference to it in the app.config file
Deleting the reference to it in the properties -> Settings.settings

Then i would add the database again in order to update it and be able to work with the newly added fields, columns etc. I'm sure there must be a better way but for the life of me i don't know how.

Anyway, after trying everything i could think of and having no luck (The 'Add New Data Source' and 'Show Data Sources' buttons still doing absolutely nothing) I've eventually managed to solve the problem!

How? - by copying everything off my computer and formatting and reinstalling all over! It worked, got the buttons working again but seems excessive to solve a problem that must be some strange glitch in visual studio.

What a nightmare... anyway thanks for your help and ideas

good that u solved the problen
good luck

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