I've been trying to figure out the code for this problem for a long time and I'm stumped. The problem is:
The library for which we design this system has only books and magazines that are available for library members to borrow from its circulation. Users of the library are students and Faculty/Staff members.
All members of the library get assigned a unique member number and member category (student or Faculty/Staff). We also store the first and last names, address (street, city, state, zip) and phone number of every member.
Books have a title, ISBN number, author (assume that a book has only one author and we only need to maintain the last name of the author) and number of copies. Magazines have a title and issue number.
Books may be borrowed for 4 days by students and for five days by
Faculty/Staff members.
Magazines may be borrowed for 2 days by students and 3 days by
Faculty/Staff members.
For each item not returned within the specified period, the library will issue a $1 fine per day. The school wants to automate borrow/return activities of the
You are required to design and implement this system in an Object-Oriented approach. Some of the functionalities of the system are:
· Register and maintain/store User information (to a file)
· Register and maintain/store Book information (to a file)
· Borrow a Book
· Return a Book
· Check availability of a book
· Display Borrowed books of a user
· Edit User and/or Book information
· Put a hold on a book, when you need a book currently checked out to another borrower.
I made different classes and used arrays to store info. Right now, my code just displays user and book/magazine info. I don't know what else to do.
I'll post the code I have written in another post after this one.