Using Winsock and C++, I have successfully created a server which runs on my pc good and well. The problem is, I would like this same (console) server to run at a different IP address (that is not my home IP address).

If my server (which is called server.exe) is not open, any two pc's running my game (game.exe) cannot connect to each other.

I need a means of connecting one pc to another pc, via my server (but I want my server to be running at a given domain name, like> I don't want to have to have the server open on MY PC, so that players must go through MY IP address to be able to connect to one another.

Rather, I want my server.exe running on a domain name, like, which would enable two pc's to connect through that IP address/domain instead of my own.

How do I run a server on a domain host?

I've got the server running on my home computer, and people must connect to my IP address (where the server is running) to be able to connect to one another.

I want the server running on a domain host (and not my home computer).. does anyone know how to run a server program (.exe)
on a domain name?? Thanks in advanced.

You buy space and time from a hosting provider.

There's plenty of ads for them over here

A shell account might be more appropriate

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I realize I must buy space from a hosting provider, but my question is.. how do I make my exe program run IN the bought space.

Note: The exe program must be running for other people to be able to use to server as a means to connect to one another.

Step 1: I buy the space.
Step 2. I upload my server into the space.
//Note: Just because my server is uploaded, does not mean it is running.
My question is, how do I get it to RUN while being uploaded into the server space.

To make it easier to respond, I will post my project here:

1) I have a server.exe program created with Winsock and C++.
2) I have a client.exe program created with C++. (Client.exe is a game)
3) I want a player running client.exe (the game)
to be able to connect to another player also running client.exe.
4) The client.exe is set up such that it can only connect to another player running client .exe while server.exe is running.
(If server.exe is not running, no players can connect to each other over the internet).
5) Here is what I want:
-I want to make it possible for two players to connect to each other over the internet using a given IP address (that is not my home pc's IP address).

The problem is that my server(.exe) is currenting running on my pc, which means that two players can only connect to each other if they link to my IP address (where the server.exe is running).

-I want it so that server.exe is running at a different IP address so that players can use THAT IP address to connect to one another.
-I don't want to have to have server.exe running on my PC for two players to be able to connect to each other (over the internet).

-How do I make it so that server.exe is running (but not on my computer, so I don't have to have my computer ON all the time for players to be able to connect)

I don't want server.exe running on my computer, but rather at a given IP address instead (or on a web server if you prefer). If server.exe is running on my computer, I would have to keep my computer on at all times for players to be able to connect to one another. I want my computer OFF, yet players are able to connect to one another over the internet, how is this possible?

So have you found an answer? I have same problem :(

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