
please answer me the following questions. It will be very useful for me...Thanks in advance.

c questions:

1. storage classes (auto, register, extern, static) in c with these informations (scope, lifetime, default value

and memory location(where it stored in memory)).

2. why should we use static in function prototype and definitions...example: static int fun (int a, int b) need

clear explanation.

3. difference between typedef and #define withe detailed explanation.

4. difference between variable and macro with detailed explanation.

5. why we are using & in scanf function.

6. main difference between static and extern.

7. union u1
int a;
int b;
int c;
main ()
union u1 u;
u.a = 5;
u.b = 6;
u.c = 7;
printf ( %d, %d, %d", u.a,u.b,u.c);

why this program's output ---> 7, 7, 7....need clear and detailed explanation.

Unix question:

1. how to or which process remove zombie process present in unix without using wait() and "send SIGCHLD signal manually to the parent process.

> please answer me the following questions.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

nshh >please answer me the following questions. It will be very useful for me...Thanks in advance.
Doubtful! It will just provide the answers to questions that you are supposed to learn from, practice with and make you think from.
Just dumping questions in a post, especially questions that could be easily answered by reading a book, or making use of a search engine, does implicitly stamp your post with the FAIL seal.

There's an expectancy of effort when you ask a question in a forum like this. And you must convince those that will help you that you have done due diligence.
A simple example using one of your questions would be:

Many example programs I read use scanf with a `&' inside the parenthesis, and other times they don't. Several tutorials in the Internet says that the & is the address of a variable, however, I am still in shaking ground, concerning when to use it and when not to use it.
Here, I have these two samples

scanf("%d", &number);
scanf("%s", name);

Is & only for numbers?

That was hard, actually. It is almost impossible coming with a real concern about it, once you start practicing with it and reading "even" some malformed tutorials.

> please answer me the following questions.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

I could not help it but to chuckle.

I just answered this question in another thread, the answer was, essentially, "go to a bookstore, and buy a good book". Look at the books in person (as opposed to online) and pick one that explains the topics in a way that you can understand.

Maybe that could be added to the web site guidelines?

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