i'm having trouble creating a craps game for school, i'm a light weight c user and any help would be amazing!!!

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i have everything created but the loop. i am cannot creat a loop to cycle through play once 1 is entered or go to rules once 2 is entered and return to main menu...I have worked hard (all nighter) and am at work now still working on it. i've spent about 10 hours on it and am stuck

I have worked hard (all nighter) and am at work now still working on it. i've spent about 10 hours on it and am stuck

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define quit -99
#define menu 0
#define play 1
#define rules 2

int main (void)
	int x = 0;
	int d1 = 0;
	int d2 = 0;
	int d3 = 0;

	printf("main menu - make a selection\n");
	printf("\n** 0 - main menu **\n** 1 - play **\n** 2 - rules ** \n** 3 - quit ** \n\n");
	printf("please select choice %d or %d to continue or quit\n", menu, quit);
	d1 = rand () % 6+1;
	d2 = rand () % 6+1;

	scanf("%d", &x);

while ( x != -99 && x <=3 )
	for ( x != -99 && x == 0 )
			if ( x = 0 ) 
				printf("main menu - make a selection\n");
				printf("\n** 0 - main menu **\n** 1 - play **\n** 2 - rules ** \n** 3 - quit ** \n\n");
				printf("please select choice %d - %d to continue or quit\n", menu, quit);
					scanf("%d", &x);
		for ( x != -99 && x == 1 )
				d3 = d1 + d2;
			printf("you rolled a %d - %d and got a total of %d\n", d1, d2, d3);
			printf("to play again press %d or to quit press %d", play, quit);
			scanf ("%d", x);
		for ( x != -99 && x == 2)
			printf("A player must roll 2 6-sided dice and the sum will be totaled.\n");
			printf("If the sum of the dice (on the first roll) is 7 or 11, player wins.\n");
			printf("If a total of 2, 3 or 12 is rolled, you lose.\n");
			printf("If the total is NOT listed above, you roll again to try to make point (a total of 7 or 12).\n");
			printf("If a 7 is rolled while trying to make point, you lose\n");

	return (0);

Answer 1: The rules section needs "x = 0;" after the "you lose" line.
Answer 2: The "play" section should add "to return to main menu type %d", ... menu
Other comments:
The "for" statements are wrong, the logic inside looks like they should be if's.
All occurrences of x == -99, 0, 1, 2 should be replaced by the constants, e.g.
if (x != quit)
In the statements like (x != quit && x == menu), the (x != quit) is redundant, it is implied by (x == menu)
Single-letter variable names are a bad idea, use longer, self-explanatory names, such as "menu_selection" instead of "x".
The main menu does not need option 0: main menu, which goes back to itself.
The main menu is duplicated; delete the first copy and the code works the same.

commented: you have really helped me out when i was vague on what to do +0
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