Hello everyone

i'am tring to write a program that convert expression from infix to postfix using stack.

but i have a problem with my code it terminate the program i can't determine what is wrong but it seems to be in the (precedence) function . so can anyone help me plz;

her is my code :

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

const int maxSize = 1000;
typedef char StackElementType;

class Stack {
   void push(char x);
   char pop();
   char top();
   bool isEmpty();
   int stackArray[maxSize]; 
   int topIndex;

   topIndex = -1;

void Stack::push(char x)
   assert(topIndex < maxSize);
   stackArray[topIndex] = x;

char Stack::pop()

   assert(topIndex >= 0);
   int returnIndex(topIndex);
   return stackArray[returnIndex];

char Stack::top()
   assert(topIndex >= 0);
   return stackArray[topIndex];

bool Stack::isEmpty()
   return bool(topIndex == -1);

int precedence(char symbol)           
        if(symbol == '+' || symbol == '-') 
                return 1; 
        else if(symbol == '*' || symbol == '/') 
                return 2; 
                return -1; 

int main () {
     Stack s;
    int y;

    string exp ;
    cout <<"Enter the expression you want to convert\n";
    cin >> exp;
            char ch;
            string     postfixExpression = "";
          for (int i=0;i<exp.size();i++){
               ch= exp[i];
               if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/')  
                          while(s.top() != '(' && precedence(s.top()) >= precedence(ch) && !s.isEmpty()) 
                                        postfixExpression += s.pop();             
         else if(ch == '(') 
                              {  s.push(ch); }
         else if (ch == ')')
                while(s.top() != '(') 
                                        postfixExpression += s.pop();            
              postfixExpression += ch;
                        postfixExpression += s.pop();                           
                cout <<"postfix :" <<postfixExpression << endl;
            return 0;

i can define my proble as when i write an expression like 2+3*(4-2) and press enter the windows automatically closed.

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That doesn't even compile?

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