In the J2EE tutorial from sum site, it is often mentioned this term. For example, the timersession example:

"Because it's a business method, setTimer is exposed to the local, no-interface view of TimerSessionBean and can be invoked by the client."


learn about the different ways EJBs can be invoked and you'll know.

Accessing Local Enterprise Beans Using the No-Interface View

Client access to an enterprise bean that exposes a local, no-interface view is accomplished through either dependency injection or JNDI lookup.


To obtain a reference to the no-interface view of an enterprise bean through dependency injection, use the javax.ejb.EJB annotation and specify the enterprise bean’s implementation class:

ExampleBean exampleBean;


To obtain a reference to the no-interface view of an enterprise bean through JNDI lookup, use the javax.naming.InitialContext interface’s lookup method:

ExampleBean exampleBean = (ExampleBean)

Clients do not use the new operator to obtain a new instance of an enterprise bean that uses a no-interface view.

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