Hey guys, i've been trying to clone pokemon in java but i've come across a very weird problem.
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: attribute/base/health/AbstractBaseHealth, method: <init> signature: ()V) Constructor must call super() or this()
at actor.pokemon.AbstractPokemon.<init>(AbstractPokemon.java:44)
at actor.pokemon.charmander.AbstractCharmander.<init>(AbstractCharmander.java:16)
at actor.pokemon.charmander.ConcreteCharmander.<init>(ConcreteCharmander.java:11)
at main.Main.<clinit>(Main.java:17)
Could not find the main class: main.Main. Program will exit.
Exception in thread "main" Java Result: 1
apparently there's a problem with my AbstractBaseHealth class, however, the weird thing is that the code for AbstractBaseAttack and others are EXACTLY the same, and yet they work just fine, let me show you the code for Health Hierarchy.
public interface BaseHealth
extends Base
public abstract class AbstractBaseHealth
implements BaseHealth
private int baseHealth;
public void set(Object value) {
baseHealth = (int)baseHealth;
public Object get() {
return baseHealth;
public class ConcreteBaseHealth
extends AbstractBaseHealth
implements BaseHealth
i commented out the basehealth attribute from the pokemon class (and let the base attack and such) and it worked just fine... any idea guys? thanks in advance.