I want to improve my programming skill and decided to build python wrappers over other library's. I've done this with the face recognition and think it would be real world code for me to work on. I want to code as a career and I want to code stuff programmers would work on.

Any library's you would like to see wrapped in python?
Or any real world projects?

And for all the coders by trade, what kind of stuff do you work on?
Languages you use on daily basis, editors you may use, past code jobs, ect...

What "branch" of the programming industry is most kind to entry level employees?

Any extra info and experiences are encouraged.

Thanks everyone, and by the way this site rocks.

Well, I know of a project that would definitely prove beneficial to the community if it was wrapped in python. Xfire. If you haven't heard of it, its an instant messaging program for Windows only. Somebody created a library for it in C, but that's it. There is only one client based of this library for Linux, which doesnt always work. If you could write a wrapper for python, I would definitely write a cross platform client so that Xfire could be accessed from any OS. Here's the link to the c library: http://code.google.com/p/openfire-c/

I think that would be a good place to start.

There was something similar on planet.python.org recently, and the suggestion was to help upgrade the documentation to get your feet wet and then move on to bug fixes. Contributing to the core of the language always looks good, as opposed to wrapping something that hasn't been done yet, i.e. it hasn't been done because it isn't in demand, and is usually just some variation of other software projects that have a Python wrapper. In addition, there are several projects with the port to Python 3.0 still in progress. WxPython comes to mind although I haven't checked recently. The links to the "help us with the docs" portion of the wiki.

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