this is my simple application , i try to updata ,but it is not working, in this example it shows only first reocrd and, try to update first record(i want to know the method of updating, so i can updates other records too)
data base has only two fields id,name
plz find the error

namespace DataAdap
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        private SqlConnection conn;
        private SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter;
        private DataSet ds;
        private DataTable dataTable;
        private int currRec=0;
        private int totalRec=0;
        private int now;
        private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string connectionString="Data Source=Niro-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=UserData;Integrated Security=True";
            conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
            string selectqry = "SELECT * FROM UserInfo";
             dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectqry,conn);
           ds = new DataSet();

           dataTable = new DataTable();
            dataTable = ds.Tables["UserInfo"];          
            totalRec = dataTable.Rows.Count;
        private void FillControls()
            txtWorkerId.Text = dataTable.Rows[currRec]["id"].ToString();
            txtName.Text = dataTable.Rows[currRec]["name"].ToString();
        private void InitializeCommands()
            dataAdapter.InsertCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
            dataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText =
                "INSERT INTO UserInfo" + "(id,name)" + "VALUES(@id,@name)";
            AddParams(dataAdapter.InsertCommand, "id", "name");

            dataAdapter.UpdateCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
            dataAdapter.UpdateCommand.CommandText =
                "UPDATE UserInfo SET" + "name = @name" + "WHERE id=@id";


        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void AddParams(SqlCommand cmd, params string[] cols)
            foreach (string col in cols)
        private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataRow row = dataTable.NewRow();
            totalRec = dataTable.Rows.Count;
            currRec = totalRec - 1;
            row["id"] = totalRec;
            txtWorkerId.Text = totalRec.ToString();
            txtName.Text = "";         

        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          DataRow row=dataTable.Rows[currRec];
            row["name"] = txtName.Text;

Are you getting any runtime errors?
I don't see anything sticking out atm.

I am assuming the ID is autonumber?

Are you getting any runtime errors?
I don't see anything sticking out atm.

I am assuming the ID is autonumber?

yes, i got a runtime error, error statement was

"UPDATE UserInfo SET" + "name = @name" + "WHERE id=@id";

then i found the error it should be like this (i removed +)

"UPDATE UserInfo SET name=@name" + "WHERE id=@id";

Now it is working , but i dont know why is that

And can u explain me this statment,


What do whe use 0, explain me plz, i found them from a book,

This didn't work because.

"UPDATE UserInfo SET" + "name = @name" + "WHERE id=@id";

When it is added up in the system it comes up like this

UPDATE UserInfo SETname = @name WHERE id=@id

There is no space added.


I am not too familiar with this, but after some reading I would say its to declare the length. But it seems optional from all I have read

This didn't work because.

"UPDATE UserInfo SET" + "name = @name" + "WHERE id=@id";

When it is added up in the system it comes up like this

UPDATE UserInfo SETname = @name WHERE id=@id

There is no space added.


I am not too familiar with this, but after some reading I would say its to declare the length. But it seems optional from all I have read

wooooow Thnxx a lot finito Thats the thing i want to learn , i search on the internet but i didnt get it,bcoz the way ,the key word i used was may be wrong(my knowledge of English is also not good) Thanks a lot finito

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