
I have a combo box with say 10 items and I have space in my screen to show that 10 items in one shot. Currently it is showing only 7 items in one shot and I have to scroll to access item 8,9 & 10. Is there any property to avoid scroll bar and make all my items appear in one shot?

I am using .net compact framework 3.5.


I have a combo box with say 10 items and I have space in my screen to show that 10 items in one shot. Currently it is showing only 7 items in one shot and I have to scroll to access item 8,9 & 10. Is there any property to avoid scroll bar and make all my items appear in one shot?

I am using .net compact framework 3.5.

Hi ,

i think u can try to make bigger value of the property ' DropDownHeight'


Thanks for the reply, but I am not getting any property like "DropDownHeight". Is that property available with 3.5 compact framework?


Bump!! any idea on how to do this..

this.comboBox = new ComboBox();
this.comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
comboBox.DropDownHeight = 160;

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