I want to create an activation window to add onto clients pc so if they dont pay their account within a certain period the activation window will pop up and not allow them access to the pc until their account is paid and we will provide them with an activation code to disable the activation window

I want to create an activation window to add onto clients pc so if they dont pay their account within a certain period the activation window will pop up and not allow them access to the pc until their account is paid and we will provide them with an activation code to disable the activation window


Not really my field but if I wanted to do someting like you suggest then the first thing would be do a google search for disable ctrl alt del which gives some interesting URLs which should gide you on all the things you would need to disable to stop the user getting round your 'Activation screen' ( I only suggest it this way as I dont want to take credit for someone elses work!) this assumes that you want to disable the whole PC and not just the individual program.

As to the activation screen it would have to be run on start up check for expiry date ond only display form if >=, again I suggest a google search if nothing else available on Daniweb on this topic.

As to you activation code it depends on how you want to do it ! I've done similar things before for programs developing a system where dependent on various factors the code to re-activate is generated by an algorithm and have a similar generator to supply it, so a code once supplied cant be passed on to another user ! and also it is then possible to reset the cut off date again if it's a multi/regular payment set up.

I know this does not solve your problem but may point you in the right direction.

I could suggest some ideas as to how to generate your activation codes so if you want them ask in you response and I'll see what I can come up with.

This topic has been covered many times. I hope you will have time to read the previous solved thread related to this post.

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