Hey everyone I have been working on this problem for awhile now and I am pretty stuck in my code...I don't think I approached it the right way. It isn't complete, but I have been staring at it for about an hour now and also looking through the web to help me out but its not working out. Can anyone help me out with this code?
This is the problem and what they want:
Write a program that reads a student's name together with hisor her test scores. The program should compute the averagetest score for each student and ssign the appropriate grade. The grade scale is as follows: 90-100, A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C;60-69, D; 0-59, F. Your program must use the followingfunctions:
a. A void function, calculateAverage,to determine the average of the five test scores for eachstudent. Use a loop to read and sum the five testscores. (This function does not output the average testscore. That task must be done in the function main.)
b. A value-returning function,calculateGrade, to determine and return each student's grade. (Thisfunction does not output the grade. That task must be done inthe function main.)
Test your program on the following data. Read the datafrom a file (use an inData.txt) and send the output to afile. Do not use any global variables. Use theappropriate parameters to pass values in and out offunctions.
Johnson 85 83 77 91 76
Aniston 80 90 95 93 48
Cooper 78 81 11 90 73
Gupta 92 83 30 69 87
Blair 23 45 96 38 59
Clark 60 85 45 39 67
Kennedy 77 31 52 74 83
Bronson 93 94 89 77 97
Sunny 79 85 28 93 82
Smith 85 72 49 75 63
Sample output:
The output should be of the following form: (fill the last 2columns and the last line showing the class average.)
Student Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Average Grade
Johnson 85 83 77 91 76
Aniston 80 90 95 93 48
Cooper 78 81 11 90 73
Gupta 92 83 30 69 87
Blair 23 45 96 38 59
Clark 60 85 45 39 67
Kennedy 77 31 52 74 83
Bronson 93 94 89 77 97
Sunny 79 85 28 93 82
Smith 85 72 49 75 63
Class Average =
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Declare function Prototype
void calculateAverage(double& avg1, double& avg2, double& avg3, double& avg4, double& avg5 , double& avg6, double& avg7, double& avg8, double& avg9, double& avg10);
char calculateGrade(double average);
int main()
//Declare fstream files
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
//Open file
//Variable declaration
double name;
double test1, test2, test3, tes4, test5;
double& mean1, mean2, mean3, mean4, mean5 , mean6, mean7, mean8, mean9, mean10;
char& grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, grade5, grade6, grade7, grade8, grade9, grade10;
string line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10;
//Program purpose
cout << "This program will take 5 test scores from users and calculate \nthe average, then display it in a chart format"<< endl;
//Decimal point: 2
outFile << fixed << showpoint <<setprecision(2);
//Give something for the user to look at
cout << "Gathering Information..." << endl;
//Information Processing
calculateAverage(mean1, mean2, mean3, mean4, mean5 , mean6, mean7, mean8, mean9, mean10);
grade1 = calculateGrade(mean1);
grade2 = calculateGrade(mean2);
grade3 = calculateGrade(mean3);
grade4 = calculateGrade(mean4);
grade5 = calculateGrade(mean5);
grade6 = calculateGrade(mean6);
grade7 = calculateGrade(mean7);
grade8 = calculateGrade(mean8);
grade9 = calculateGrade(mean9);
grade10 = calculateGrade(mean10);
return 0;
void calculateAverage(double& avg1, double& avg2, double& avg3, double& avg4, double& avg5 , double& avg6, double& avg7, double& avg8, double& avg9, double& avg10)
double x = 0
while(x <= 10)
if (x = 0)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum1 = sum + num
avg1 = sum1 / 5
else if (x = 1)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum2 = sum + num
avg2 = sum2 / 5
else if (x = 2)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum3 = sum + num
avg3 = sum3 / 5
else if (x = 3)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum4 = sum + num
avg4 = sum4 / 5
else if (x = 4)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum5 = sum + num
avg5 = sum5 / 5
else if (x = 5)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum6 = sum + num
avg6 = sum6 / 5
else if (x = 6)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum7 = sum + num
avg7 = sum7 / 5
else if (x = 7)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum8 = sum + num
avg8 = sum8 / 5
else if (x = 8)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum9 = sum + num
avg9 = sum9 / 5
else if (x = 9)
double num
double y = 0
while(y <=5)
inFile >> num
sum10 = sum + num
avg10 = sum10 / 5
char calculateGrade(double average)
char letterGrade;
if (average <= 100 && average >= 90)
letterGrade = 'A';
else if (average <= 89 && average >=80 )
letterGrade = 'B';
else if (average <= 79 && average >= 70)
letterGrade = 'C';
else if (average <= 69 && average >= 60)
letterGrade = 'D';
else if (average <= 59)
letterGrade = 'F';
return letterGrade;